Young Love (#65)

With Nate’s Army camp graduation only a week away, we could envision the day when we wouldn’t have to “converse” in letters but could talk face-to-face. Meanwhile, I “borrowed” another old photo from Mom’s albums, since Nate seemed to enjoy them. There was much we still didn’t know about each other’s childhoods.

tom-and-margaretJuly 17, 1969 – Dear Lover. Enclosed is another “oldie,” this one of Tommy and me on a family vacation in St. Petersburg, Florida – 1950. The dress is a bit revealing, but I didn’t have much chest to hold things up in those days. Today Marti and I talked hour after hour, some of that time cooling off at the beach. I wish you could have unlimited water like that, too. Only one more week and it will be yours! You’ve done so well there – in attitude, stamina, and spiritual faithfulness. What an encouragement and strength you are to me for being those things. The Lord surely must be smiling on your every effort.

July 17, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I’m so proud when my friends here ask me about you. I know my fiancée is the finest in the universe. I am so anxious to marry you! And I have loved your descriptions of what life will be like when we are married, your stories. You have an excellent imagination and ability to write. And thank you for working so hard on wedding plans. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. We’ll make the rest of the decisions in August. Deciding things together isn’t so difficult.

July 17, 1969 – Dear Nate. I think I found my bridal gown, the one I’m going to get! I tried different veils on, too, so beautiful. Mary, Mom, and Aunt Agnes all went with me, and we made a party out of it. It was so much fun. The only problem was that as I stood looking at myself in a 3-way mirror all ready to walk down the aisle, I wanted to marry you immediately! It’s so hard to wait.

encouragementJuly 17, 1969 – Dearest Meg. Thank you for the many greeting cards and tremendous letters you’ve sent. When I get those words from Meg on a bivouac at night after chow, my morale soars. Thank you very much. I’m sorry my letters take so long to get to Chicago. I get yours in about 2 days. And I love every one of them!

July 18, 1969 – Dear Nate. Dad and I had “the wedding talk” about money. I asked if I could have the same amount of money as Mary had, and he said something that proves how strongly he approves of our marriage. He said that whatever I spend is up to me. He just said I should use common sense and after I do, I can get whatever I really want. So I’m going to run out and buy that gown I want! He’s the greatest – and so are YOU!

July 18, 1969 – Dearest Meg. We had a hard day in the field today. After all day in the hot sun, they botched up the water supply. Each of us got only one cupful from afternoon to evening. That was a little nasty. Also, one of our flares set off a grass fire, so we had to work hard to put that out. Your letters after all that were the best morale boost in the world! Every day my love for you grows. Everything about you pleases me.

July 18, 1969 – Dear Nate. We are breaking heat records here in Chicago – 98 degrees with humidity just about as high. I feel for you in heat like this. But I pray that the Lord will continue to be a refreshing energizer to you. He’s aware of every bit of your suffering, pain, or even just discomfort, and sympathizes, because He went through all of that Himself and more… all the way to death. I know He appreciates your positive attitude through it all. And I do, too!

“Love and faithfulness meet together; righteousness and peace kiss each other.” (Psalm 85:10)