Nelson’s Journal, 11/15/22

In this entry Nelson writes about feeling like a prisoner without any chance of being set free. But God’s opinion of captives encourages to him.


November 15, 2022

Today I have some scans to show where I am with the chemo progress. Hard to even write that, and believe it. Who has chemo? Me? What? It’s hard to believe it’s happening to me.

All these aches and pains I have all the time, at least a dozen pills I take every day, how often I go to the doc when I used to go next to never. Hanging on for dear life and instead of confidence and strength, I have uncertainty and total reliance on God, but that’s probably better than whatever it was I had before.

We have to have all our stuff moved out of our apartment tomorrow and all the construction done today. It’s a lot of painting and laying a couple laminate floors, which is the thing I didn’t really want to do, but due to time constraints, we do it this way.

I think it will prove to be the best way in the long run. I figure we won’t sell this place unless someone comes and gives us an offer, so what does it matter as long as it looks good and functions properly for the most part?

“As for me, afflicted and in pain—may your salvation, God, protect me. I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This will please the Lord more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hooves. The poor will see and be glad—you who seek God, may your hearts live! The Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people.” (Psalm 69:29-33)

I would say I feel like a captive person. I am in a prison of sickness. I would love to get out and would pretty much do anything to get out, but I’m stuck here.

I pray and so do many others, but I’m still a captive so far. I think of a friend who is in prison in another country, and the churches are praying he gets released. I feel like that guy.

We are begging God to get me out of here, but so far, there are shadows of hope here and there, but nothing total, nothing complete. But these verses tell us that we are heard by God and that he doesn’t despise his captive people.

God reaches out to his people who are held captive. Lots of things can hold people captive. Addictions, prisons, jails, disease, pretty much anything that you’re locked into and can’t get out of. God is with the prisoners.


“The oppressed will be set free.” (Luke 4:18)

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