Nelson’s Journal, 11/16/22

As always, advanced cancer is a mixed bag. Before this entry, Nelson and Ann Sophie have met with the head oncologist, Dr. Mansfield, who doesn’t sugar coat the facts. Nelson appreciates that, and often says, “Give me the whole truth, Doc.” The trouble is, the whole truth often includes bad news.


November 16, 2022

Today I had a couple scans that yielded mixed results. Basically they are mostly positive. There was one spot that grew, some new growth that wasn’t there last time around, but mostly others either didn’t grow or shrunk.

Dr. Mansfield wants to double the chemo medication dose and attempt to deal with the side effects. He thinks the cancer is changing and adapting to the drugs, and we’ll get one more boost from the current stuff if we double the dose.

Meanwhile, he wants to appeal for this other set of drugs that’s been approved for Melanoma but not for what I have. He says it will work just as good, and the cancer doesn’t “know it” yet. Also, he thinks I’ll tolerate those drugs better.


The insurance company will reject his appeal a few times, but he thinks they’ll go for it after a round of ‘back-and-forth,’ which he estimates will take a month or 2. He said he expects most of these genetic match drugs to “plateau” after a while and lose their potency. That’s when you go with your plan B.

I’m glad he has a plan B. We can pray I can stand whatever side effects come with the increased dose, which will start tomorrow morning.

I have also had a fracture in a vertebrae, which has caused me tremendous pain in the past month. It’s been better over the past week, but I have to take it easier with lifting or any physical pressure, because other “breaks” can happen just as easy, even though the healed bones are stronger. There is still a systemic weakness in my bones wherever the cancer has eaten into previously.

After the meeting, I was a little down thinking, “How long will this go on? Is this my new norm, being sick pretty much all the time for years and years? Can I handle that? How hard will this be on my family?”

It’s easy to let thoughts come in that are discouraging… that focus on the hard parts without giving the high points any ground. I am making a point of focusing on, and being thankful for, the periods I do feel good, trying not to get out ahead too far into the future. I’m thankful for the prayers and dedication to us during this difficult time.

We are also moving tomorrow, so I hope to have the energy for that, without doing too much.


“Lord…be my rock of refuge, to whom I can continually go.” (Psalm 71:3)

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