Nelson’s Journal, 12/2/22

At this point, Nelson’s main problem is bone pain, specifically in one hip and leg. The doctor has told him not to put weight on that side, but Nelson wants to continue walking as long as possible and ignores that advice. He’s gratified that they’re now going to look into all that pain with additional tests.


December 2, 2022

Here I sit at 3 am in our new little kitchen. We’ve been here for about 2 weeks now, but time is starting to move quicker now.

I still have cancer, even though there are days I wonder if it’s really true. But the constant pain reminds me, along with the daily pill regiments.

I wish it were a dream. At first I thought I would wake up from it at some point.

It’s crazy that [my friend] Ken has it also, even though we haven’t really talked much so far. I can hardly believe that. How can it be that we have it together? In a way it’s a blessing to have someone to go through it together with.

I have a bunch of tests they are going to run today to find out what is happening with these back and leg issues. Dr. Mansfield said he can’t dismiss the pain, being as tough as it is, given my age [49] and that I have cancer.

He said in a patient my age without the cancer, it wouldn’t mean much to him, but for me, he wants to be sure. I get nervous about being admitted [to the hospital] in these times, but we have to go along with the program.


“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.” (Isaiah 4:2)

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