Young Love (#51)

happy-togetherAfter a perfect proposal in a Kansas Holiday Inn room, Nate and I enjoyed 3 glorious days together dreaming of our bright future. But on July 6th, we said emotional goodbyes and went back to living 575 miles apart. It wasn’t easy, but Nate had only 3 more weeks of Army camp before graduation. After that we would be together every day. At least that was the plan.

The next hurdle was telling my parents we’d gotten engaged.

July 6, 1969 – To my friend, future husband, and future lover. Saying goodbye to you about an hour ago was just a temporary halt to our pleasure in being together. The last 3 days have been so meaningful that all I’m feeling is gratitude to the Lord for abundant grace in His dealing with both of us, seeing to it that every detail is being provided for as we make progress together. The thought of being your wife brings me great pleasure! I love you! (Smack-a-roo!)

July 6, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I love you! I feel so secure in your love and in my faith in Jesus Christ. This week, Tuesday through Saturday, I’ll be out on bivouac again. But I know these next weeks will sail by! And I hope you will be able to come to Ft. Riley for my graduation from this ROTC camp – July 25.

July 6, 1969 – Dear Nate. I’m going to pray for you often as you go on bivouac, and there will be lots of letters and wedding details sent your way while you’re in the field. When things get hard, just think about our wedding. You are unlike any man I’ve ever met. You’re more understanding of me than anyone else, including my own parents. I’m going to do my best to understand you the same wonderful way.

July 6, 1969 – Dearest Meg. What do you think about “1 Corinthians 13” being engraved inside our wedding rings? When I got back to the fort I read through it again, all about love. That kind of love is what I have for you and what Christ has for us and for all humanity.

July 6, 1969 – Dear Nate. I’m about to get on the train headed away from Topeka toward Chicago. I’ll be staring at my ring the whole way! It’s so beautiful! I’m very glad we called your folks tonight before we parted. I hope they are pleased that we thought of them and decided to call. I should say YOU thought of them. You always know the right and best thing to do. As for my parents, don’t worry. It’s best to show them as well as tell them. I’m sure, now that you gave me a ring, things will run on a smooth course. Besides, the Lord is on our side.

July 7, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I’m remembering your love of music and the sound of your singing, and both thrill me – beautiful and sexy. I love you! And I’m so glad to be formally engaged to you. Ecstatically happy! Every night I pray for us. Sometimes I ask myself, how can one woman be so beautiful?

momJuly 7, 1969 – Dear Nate. I did it! I went home and made our announcement to Mom, Dad, Aunt Agnes, Mary, Bervin, and Tommy. I was a little nervous about Dad and didn’t want to shock him. But my main concern was Mom. I showed Dad first, and I could see on his face he was going to be ok. He looked closely at my ring and said, “Your Ma didn’t do as well in the diamond department. I paid $145 for her engagement ring. Nate is a very generous person!” Of course Mom’s ring was bought in 1940! As for Mom, when I showed her, she threw her arms around me and congratulated me. I was so glad! At last their feelings are catching up to ours. Yippee!

engaged1“A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul.” (Proverbs 13:19)