Workin’ It

The other day Nelson took the middle seat out of his van and drove off in search of firewood. When he’s “in residence” he makes a beautiful fire every night, coaxing all of us toward the conversation circle in the living room.

Stage 2

But cozy fires don’t come without a good deal of hard work first. Nelson has to find the wood, saw it into manageable chunks, load it into the van, unload it at our house, and then put some real man-power into splitting the pieces of stump with an old fashioned ax. Whack! Whack! Hundreds of times. When I ask if it hurts his back or neck, both of which have been injured in car accidents, he says, “I really love this kind of work.”

And I love that he loves it, because I could never haul or split wood like he does. The only effort I could make to gather logs would be to tear out a check from my checkbook. But it’s interesting that Nelson’s way of securing fireplace wood and mine are different not only in the physical effort expended but in depth of satisfaction, too.

Splitting wood

We’ve all heard the expression, “He who chops his own wood is twice warmed.” That refers to the heated work of chopping and splitting, followed by the warmth of the fire. But really there’s a third warming, the sense of accomplishment a man feels in bringing wood from forest to fireplace. It’s much like a gardener growing her own vegetables, harvesting them, and then serving them for dinner.

I think God has this same multi-tiered satisfaction in mind for us when we dig into his Word, looking for him. We go on a diligent search, not sure of exactly what we’ll find, but willing to make the effort. We work hard to read, study, and hear him correctly, and when he finally reveals his truth or himself, we experience the deep pleasure of those connections, and want to do it all over again.

Very few things of value come to us without a degree of diligence and (usually) struggle. We sometimes get disheartened along the way and lose momentum, even quitting altogether. But then we miss getting to the good stuff: the cozy fire, the delicious meal, the bond with God.

So we have a choice. We can let blood, sweat, or tears keep us from succeeding at our labors, or we can push through the discouraging moments (or hours) with diligence, counting on God to strengthen us to each task. And he will, whether it’s splitting wood, harvesting vegetables, or studying the Bible. And hopefully, as we’re “being warmed” by laboring in his Word,

Readywe’ll be able to say the same thing Nelson did: “I really love this kind of work.”

“As your days, so shall your strength be. There is none like God… who rides through the heavens to your help.” (Deuteronomy 33:25-26)

Money Talk

This afternoon when Nelson came in, we sat in the living room chatting while twilight gradually enveloped the neighborhood. As often happens, our talk gravitated to Scripture, and he mentioned an interesting prayer he’d read this morning from Proverbs 30: “Give me neither poverty nor riches.”


Question: Who in their right mind would pray against receiving riches?

It’s easy to nod in agreement when we hear the request against poverty. But riches too? Is that necessary?

We’ve all heard that money corrupts, and as much as we fantasize about having more of it, in our hearts we know it’s true. Nelson and I talked about several people we knew, both famous and not so much, who were ruined by riches. Of course most of us haven’t had the opportunity.

“Try us,” we say to God. “We could handle it.”

But once we had it, could we say with Scripture, “I don’t have to keep it”?

If we find ourselves loving money so much we can’t happily agree to surrender it, we’re opening ourselves to all kinds of trouble. The Bible says so. Money itself isn’t evil, just loving it is, The problem is, we know what wonderful things it could do for us. That’s why it’s so difficult to pray the wisdom of Proverbs: “Don’t give me riches.”

Nelson has long admired a Christian man named George Mueller (Muller) who was wild and wicked in his youth but then changed dramatically after committing his life to Christ at the age of 23. He took the Bible literally for the next 70 years and believed God meant it when he said nothing was impossible. Mueller became a preacher, missionary, educator, and the manager of multiple orphanages throughout the 1800’s.

George Mueller

He kept detailed records of every orphan and every penny given to support them and their schools, and those accountings can still be inspected today. He cared for over 10,000 children full time and educated more than 120,000 in his lifetime. Without asking anyone but God to meet their monetary needs, the Lord sent the equivalent of 9 million dollars through his hands.

And that’s the most interesting thing about this man who kept a healthy distance between himself and any love of money. His massive ministry needs were consistently met only by his asking God to pay the bills. And when too much came in, Mueller gave it away.

God isn’t any different today than he was in Mueller’s day, and each of us can rely on him for our provision. So why don’t we?

Nelson and I agreed that although we’re reluctant to pray Proverbs 8:30, Mueller had no problem with it and actually based his life on it: “Give me neither poverty nor riches.” And it worked out great for him.

“One man considers himself rich, yet has nothing [to keep permanently]; another man considers himself poor, yet has great [and indestructible] riches.” (Proverbs 13:7, Amplified)

A Worthwhile Quest?

Our little Emerald just turned 3 months old, and like most babies, she’s sometimes frustrated by the short list of physical skills she possesses. Although she’s an easy baby, lately she’s demonstrated an eagerness to move on to the next thing.

Trying to sit, at 3 months

When she’s put down for a diaper change, she wriggles her limbs, coaxing them to get stronger. As she rests in the vibrating infant seat, she strains to raise her head in an effort to get upright. When we stand her up in our laps, her shaky legs do their best to stay straight. And she can’t wait to sit on her own.

That’s how it is with us humans, even with mini-humans. We seem always to be questing after what’s coming next. For children, that’s physical gains. For adults, it’s in the world of business, academia, parenting, or any other endeavor-of-the-moment.

Pursuing excellence with eagerness is a good thing, unless of course we’re doing it with improper motives, such as racing to outdo someone else or chasing success for money. And what if we’re running after that next thing just to get away from what we’re doing now? We have to be careful in thinking about our what’s-next. God asks us to seek balance, living somewhere between questing and contentment.

As a young mom I used to long for my baby’s next developmental stage. “Once he can sit up, he’ll be much happier. When she can finally crawl, she won’t be so fussy. After he learns to walk, he’ll have something to do.” I was doing too much questing at the cost of appreciating the here-and-now. The problem is, when we’re constantly reaching for the future, we’ve already checked out of the present. And right along with that, we’re tempted to believe the lie that everything is always better, just ahead of where we are.

Of course we should make sensible plans for tomorrow, but never at the expense of today. We’ve all heard the expression, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” That quote, buried in a 1785 poem by Robert Burns, was written after he plowed through a nest of mice and was bothered by the unwitting destruction he caused this “family.”

His actual quote was: “The best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!” None of us know when our preparations and expected joy will be plowed through by unexpected happenstance, which is a biblical principle. And when we decide not to jump ahead of ourselves (or God), we’re released from the worry that usually accompanies over-planning.

Stop and Go

But when God gives the green light, that’s when we go with gusto. As for little Emerald, judging by the way she’s gusto-ing toward each next physical milestone, I’d say she’s already been given the green.

“Don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:34)