Young Love (#42)

Just as Nate and I were moving happily toward engagement, my old boyfriend called again.

Memories of him had been fading, because my thought-life was filled with Nate and our bright future together. The boyfriend’s phone call threw me for a loop, but after we hung up, I gave it some rational thought and saw a pattern. Though we didn’t have a lot of contact, he did call every few weeks, which always pulled me back into the relationship.

He didn’t want to come between Nate and I but did want a friendship to continue. The problem, however, was at my end. Such a friendship would come at a high price for Nate and thus for me, too, and my greatest longing was for a marriage that would thrive in every way.

line-in-the-sandSo, for once I used common sense. Surely God was answering Nate’s daily prayer request for guidance. And I knew it was time to draw a line in the sand.

Rather than get together socially as he called to do, I drove to his house to tell him face-to-face that Nate and I were about to get engaged. There would be no room for another guy-girl relationship in my life, and so he and I needed to terminate all contact. He didn’t think it had to be that way but said he would honor my request.

It was a difficult task, but it got done.

June 24, 1969 – Dearest Meg. It was a taste of dolce vita the last time we were together. A walk late on a June evening with you is everything. Meg, I love you. Kisses enclosed. P.S. Quit giggling, my little brown bear.

encouraging-lettersJune 24, 1969 – Dear Nate. Your letters are so wonderful and encouraging to my missing you. You are such a stable, well-organized person (even in your thought-life), and oh how I need help in those things! You and I will help each other in many ways. But more than anything, I need you as my partner. I love you dearly, and I’m confident that as the months pass when we are together, we will love more, love deeper, and love in a way that cannot be replaced by anything else, ever. I will always need you and always want you in every way. I love you!

June 25, 1969 – Dearest Meg. Your engagement ring should arrive at your apartment in a few days. Don’t open it! It’s hard being away from you, but I do want to sacrifice to defend the United States of America so that Meg can be safe and so we can live together in liberty. I love you with every fiber of my being. The ultimate in my life is marrying you.

June 25, 1969 – Dear DEAR Nate. I miss our talking times and especially our prayer times… more than I ever dreamed I would.

fireworksJune 26, 1969 – Dearest Meg. Tomorrow I have KP – up at 3:45 AM and work to 10:00 PM. But that means 4,5,6 July will be completely free. I’ll drive into Topeka on the morning of the 4th and leave the evening of the 6th. Thanks for all the wedding planning lists. You’re a big help now and will help me in the future as a lawyer and lieutenant!

June 26, 1969 – Dear Nate. Guess what! I got my Corvette back!!! It’s an absolutely WILD tale of how the Chicago police found it and how they caught the 2 idiots who stole it. I’ll tell you all about it!

“Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Oh that my actions would consistently reflect [his] decrees!” (Psalm 119:1,5)

Young Love (#36)

As summer approached, Nate and I began talking about the thrilling changes ahead, especially the when-and-where of our engagement, and a job for me downstate.

staying-with-familyAfter I visited him in Champaign during the teacher strike, he moved out of his dorm, then planned to come north to my parents’ house to spend a week with our family. Though I would have to work, we’d be together every day… and my parents would get to know him better. Nate also had high hopes he’d get to have “the talk” with Dad.

May 25, 1969 – Dear Nate. I took my Sunday school girls on a picnic today, but since it was freezing, we held it in the apartment living room. This group of 10-year-olds can tear up a place in no time! But then there’s you… the most thoughtful, considerate person I’ve ever known, and I thank the Lord every chance I get for letting me know you – and MARRY you! If you could hear all the colossal things I tell my friends about you, you’d hire me as your publicity manager.

May 26, 1969 – Dearest Meg. Thank you for your patience, faith, help, and love. And your Christian example. Thank you for your prayers. The Lord’s help will take care of us forever. What a reassuring thought! Last night I turned out the light, got into bed and was half asleep when my hand hit something under the pillow. I flipped on the light and saw your note, reading it as I ate the candy kiss. The note, with its love, thanks, and promise of freedom was the best thing I could have read on a late Sunday night.

May 28, 1969 – Dear Nate. I can’t believe you’re done with school for a while and will be walking through my apartment door soon… for 8 days! I’ve been thinking of all we can do while you’re here: dinners with friends, a faculty party with my fellow-teachers, a Sunday’s-worth of activities, double-dates with other couples, dinner and cards with Mary and Bervin, mid-week prayer meeting, time with my folks, and… ring-shopping!


May 29, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I am so fortunate to have the love of Meg Johnson. I can’t wait to be with you again! Meanwhile, I continue to pack my clothes and books, and pay bills here. I love you very, very much.

May 30, 1969 – Dear Nate. When you are here for those 8 glorious days, we’ll create enough ultra-pleasant memories to get you all the way through Army camp in good shape. Something sad happened today. I got the official word that little Nancy, the Downs girl in my class, has to transfer out and attend a state placement somewhere else in the fall. It’s so sad. The worst, though, will be getting her mother to accept it. So far she’s refused to admit Nancy has any problems. I have to call her today and set up a conference for her with the principal and me. So hard. If you and I should ever have a Downs child, it would be a big adjustment. I send you all my love, Your Meg

From my journal, the evening before Nate arrived in Chicago:

happyIt’s amazing how much of my previous confusion has ironed out and become ordered thoughts. Nate and I have spent much of the month of May together, and he’s coming to Chicago for 8 gorgeous days before leaving for the Army – for 6 weeks. ALL my reservations are gone, including my nervousness over being able to leave (my old boyfriend) permanently in the past. I haven’t seen him in 2 months, and though I think of him, I no longer miss him in “that way.”


“Love rejoices in the truth.” (1 Corinthians 13:6)