Young Love (#10)

Having had a successful connection after Christmas, Nate and I continued writing long-distance. He went back to classes, and I went back to teaching. My church friend continued to ask me out – to the Lincoln Park Zoo, Campus Crusade rallies, and long walks. We often went to his apartment and made a meal together, with or without his two roommates present.

foolin-aroundAbout this time two other guys, also from church, began to show interest. Eventually there was a third. I went out with all of them and recall one particular Saturday when I had 3 dates on one day – in the afternoon (a basketball game), in the evening (a movie), and after midnight (ice skating on a lakefront rink).

More than anything else, this dating frenzy was probably about me being too goofy to make a permanent commitment to anyone, as I began to feel that kind of heat from Nate. Amidst all of these shenanigans, the one honorable thing I did was tell him about all of these boys. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but I also didn’t want to lie by omission. And I continued to pray for God’s guidance.

Jan. 9, 1969, afternoon – Dear Meg. I’m glad we agreed to be completely honest and frank with each other. Let me explain about my attitude. It is patient and understanding. The fact that you like other guys and want to date them is very sweet and healthy. And while I am on this subject, you know that I wish you the very best. And if you told me tomorrow you were marrying another man, I would accept it and still like you.

thoughtfulJan. 9, 1969, evening – Dear Meg. A second letter today for you! We are in different stages of our lives, little girl. You are finished with school, are not facing the draft, and are working. The next big event in such a pretty woman’s life is marriage. And it is quite natural that she should spend her free time dating and looking for a husband. I am still in law school, have homework and ROTC and counseling to keep me very busy and fatigued. If I had ever even remotely been so selfish as to suggest you not date other men, you ought to bounce a glass bowl off the top of my head. Have a good time… and pray.

Jan. 10, 1969 – Dear Nate. Guess what! I’ve just gotten an offer from three girls from church to move in with them in their Chicago apartment! Their 4th girl just got married, leaving a vacancy. Though I don’t know any of them, I think living with them would be a blast. Their place is a “garden apartment” (basement) but has a few high windows where people’s feet can be seen walking by on the sidewalk. I’m going to meet them tonight and talk it over.

Jan. 11, 1969 – Dear Meg. One final word on understanding: I think we’ve been through many changes in our attitudes towards each other. I’m not ready for engagement or marriage either, but I do like you very much. And no matter how many others there are, you will always be a good friend, saying what you think to me without fear of hurting me.

Jan. 12, 1969 – Dear Meg. You’ll really love living with a bunch of girls — especially from church.

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.” (Proverbs 4:25)

One thought on “Young Love (#10)

  1. Nate’s patience and wanting what’s best for you are phenomenal. I love the fact that you both are praying.