Laboring On

Mary continues in her fight against cancer, breathing slowly and with greater effort than a few hours ago. The rattle in her throat tells us her struggle will soon be over and her victory won.

funeral-bookMary has always been a planner, making to-do lists and faithfully checking them off. She has planned her own funeral and laid out the details of who she wants to do what. She’s chosen the music, Scripture passages, and soloists. She’s even written her own obituary. How many people are able to square off with their pending demise in this head-on way? Most have difficulty even drawing up a will.

All of us have enjoyed reading through Mary’s “funeral book” (as she called it) and her lists. She told me, “Don’t forget to consult this book. It’ll be sitting right next to my Bible on my nightstand.”

Two pages in her book are especially poignant.

img_4115Some good things about pancreatic cancer

  1. Get to “graduate” to heaven sooner rather than later
  2. Get to “meet” Jesus
  3. Finally meet two unborn children (1978, 1979)
  4. Reunion with loved ones that went before
  5. Avoid nursing home
  6. No more skin doctor, pap smears, etc.
  7. No osteoporosis
  8. No more worries about BP (blood pressure), cholesterol, weight, sun exposure
  9. Get the chance to show God’s faithfulness to others.



Some bad things about pancreatic cancer

  1. Leaving Bervin and children and grandchildren
  2. Leaving loved ones and friends
  3. No more chances to live for the Lord
  4. Going thru the cancer death experience



These lists fall right in line with who Mary is, because the “good” list is longer than the “bad.” She was always a pro at counting her blessings.

“The Lord loves the righteous.” (Psalm 146:8)