
Last week I blogged about Emerald’s little lost boot (Booted). She loved those boots in particular because they were just like her mama’s, but she hadn’t quite grown into them. The day the boots slipped off her feet it was snowing hard, and Emerald was being carried to the car. We didn’t notice they were gone till we were 20 miles away.

Snowy bootAt the end of that day, we’d found one of the boots buried in snow, but I was sure we wouldn’t find the other till the spring thaw.

Nelson, Birgitta, and I all searched diligently, but finally gave up, letting the little black boot go. I even stopped asking God to show us where it was, although I knew he could see it.

We kept the found boot “just in case,” but it only served to remind us of the one we’d lost. Then, lo and behold, today we found the second boot! Though I’d been in and out of my car a dozen times since it had disappeared, today for some reason I saw it. It had been in plain view all along, lying at the edge of Emerald’s car seat.

IMG_5162On one of those days I had set groceries in that car seat, and on another I’d used it to hold a stack of mail. We’d also buckled Emerald in and out of it twice. But more than that, we’d all inspected the car and especially the area around the car seat multiple times, but none of us had seen the boot.

Isn’t that sometimes the way we “find” new things in relation to our spiritual lives? We read books, listen to sermons, and attend Bible studies asking God, “Where is the answer to my question?”

But he seems silent, unwilling to reveal what we need to see. Until one day, when we least expect it, he sends a clear, concise answer.

Why the delay?

Maybe it’s because much of the time we’re moving so fast we miss what God is trying to tell us. Maybe we just aren’t ready for what he has to say until he finally opens our eyes to it. It’s also possible we think we already know how he’s going to answer us, so we can’t see his ideas for seeing our own.

But then all of a sudden, it’s right in front of us… just like Emerald’s boot.

IMG_5163Those boots are now ready for immediate use, since both have been safe and dry the entire time. The same goes for when God reveals what’s been hidden. Once he decides we’re ready, he lets us see it… and right after that we can put it to immediate use.

“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord.” (Isaiah 45:3)