Young Love (#28)

Letters continued to fly back and forth between Champaign and Chicago, and the joy of making together-plans dominated our written conversations and my journal entries.

From the journal:

I have gained all kinds of new respect for Nate and want to be with him more and more. I’m sure of my love for him and secure in his love for me. He is the finest boy I’ve ever dated. He’s a leader, is organized, is a go-getter, a Christian, an intellectual, a good communicator, and he touches tenderly. He thrives under pressure and is completely responsible. I love all of it!

We’ve begun talking in specifics about rings, dates, jobs, where to live. Boy, is it fun! We’re praying about everything. We know that if we ever forget the Lord, we’ll mess the whole thing up.

May 7, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I received your wonderful letter of Sunday. Good girl to write, but not in church. [My last letter had been written in church.] Thank you very much! You want to be my wife, and that’s exactly who I want to fill the position. I love you very much; writing is a poor surrogate for seeing, but writing you daily gives me some release of the tension of not being with you. This week I’m thinking back to last week, remembering what we were doing at the same time, and almost get sick that you’re not with me. I could hug and squeeze you!

position-filledMay 7, 1969 – Dear Nate. One of my roommates told me that while I was gone last week someone tried to break into our apartment via that rear door in our bedroom. It sounded like they had a key. And it happened twice! We’re trying to think up some logical, harmless explanation.

May 9, 1969 – Dearest Meg. What about that break-in? Watch out if it really was an attempted break-in. Most burglars are drug addicts (80%). Look for pry marks near the lock. Tell your landlord. Tell the police. Get a chain and bolt for the door. As for me, I’ll finish that nasty old Corporations paper by Friday night and then it’ll be the final drive for finals study. I love you very much and would love if we were formally engaged at Christmas and married by next August. We should look into you teaching here after we’re married… and where to take the honeymoon!

May 9, 1969 – Dear Nate. I love you so very much, and today especially have been thinking constantly about being married to you, being your wife, and how I want to wait on you, and to begin finding out all the depths and heights of you, my husband. I’m so lucky!

May 9, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I hope to finish writing my paper today and then check it over tomorrow. I’m not such a hot “would-be lawyer” (i.e. law student) but I have faith the Lord will get me through school and the bar exam. Actually I don’t mind law school or law exams, but I really dislike papers. Anyhow, this one will soon be done.

sooo-muchMay 9, 1969 – Dear Nate. My heart is beating fast, and my stomach has butterflies. The idea of marriage to you is hitting home, and it’s the most pleasant of thoughts! I’m going to love and love and love you, day after day after day. I love Nate. Oh to be with you now. Soooo much to talk of!        Love, love, Meg

May 10, 1969 – Dearest Meg. I love you so much and want to be with you and marry you. You are my beautiful one, the only woman in my life. I will work hard to take good care of you. I love you completely and hope that faith in Christ will help me keep all the vows of marriage and keep us in unity with Jesus.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Proverbs 3:5)