Healing Powers

When I was growing up in the ‘40’s and ‘50’s, my friends occasionally disappeared from school for 2 weeks at a time, and sometimes I did, too. That’s because we all had to suffer through the debilitating diseases of mumps, measles (several kinds), chicken pox, flu, and several others.

These days children are blessed with vaccines. They can breeze through childhood skipping almost everything except the common cold. Well, that and a few other things.


Today Birgitta and Louisa brought home two amoxicillin prescriptions after slogging through 3 days of 102 fevers, razor-sharp sore throats, and nausea. I was certain they had strep throat, but with today’s lab reports, we learned they have a strep-lookalike called pharyngitis, an inflammation of the tube that connects the nasal passages, throat, and esophagus.

Sometimes, the doctor said, pharyngitis is a precursor to strep, and so she wrote the prescriptions. It’s my opinion these meds will perk them both up, and I hope they’ll feel better soon.

Scripture has a number of things to say about healing. In the Gospels we watch Jesus speak words of wellness over people that bring instant good health. How thrilling it would have been to be part of the crowd that witnessed this phenomenon first hand! If we’d have been there, we’d also have noticed Jesus connecting his healings with belief in God. He forgave their sin. Or taught of God’s character. Sometimes he challenged people to live righteously from then on. And he often made mention of their personal faith in him.

Broken heart

Jesus also talked of healing of another kind, the healing of broken hearts. As we move  close to him during times of sadness, he promises to mend us. And compared to physical healing, heart-healing is probably the more important one.

The Bible also says something else about healing. The wounds Christ suffered when he was tortured and put to death are somehow the cause of healing within us, healing from sin. Isaiah 53 says, “With his stripes we are healed.” Although we can’t fully comprehend  how this works, we take him at his word and accept that his crucifixion wounds are what will allow us to be healed (and sinless) throughout eternity.

Although Jesus can certainly affect physical healing in people today, we don’t see much of it in our country. Maybe that’s because the more important bottom line is not how vigorous we feel in the here and now but how healthy our life after death is going to be. And whether we’re hale and hearty in this life or find ourselves battling illness, it’s eternal health that God wants us to focus on most.


Meanwhile, Louisa and Birgitta continue to swallow with difficulty and hope their antibiotics kick in soon. Though each had to pay a doctor’s bill today, their expenditures were miniscule compared to what Jesus paid to make sure they can have good health everlastingly.

“O Lord, if you heal me, I will be truly healed; if you save me, I will be truly saved.” (Jeremiah 17:14)

Good to Go

Yesterday while babysitting Emerald, I thought she might like a quick trip to the beach. The weather was perfect, and a short stroller walk there would add to our fun.

Grandson Micah

Normally I take a well-stocked backpack to the beach, but this trip I wouldn’t need those adult things. Instead I opted for a smaller tote just Emerald-sized. Gathering #50 SPF lotion and a clean towel, I figured we were, as grandson Micah says, “good-to-go.”

Emerald's suit

But then I wondered if Emerald might want to get wet and went back for her swimming suit. Together we rummaged through drawers till we found it, along with a sun hat, which I would have forgotten. And where was her beach cover-up?

Reaching toward the back of the closet with Emerald in my other arm, I found it, price tags still hanging from the sleeve. I passed her changing table in my search for a scissors and realized I’d almost forgotten to pack a spare diaper. Wipes, too, just in case.

Then while dressing her, it occurred to me I should probably bring something for her to drink. As Emerald began to feel heavy in my arms, we thawed some milk in hot water and made a bottle.

Just before we left, I decided to change her diaper and found it poopy, though I couldn’t find the wipes (which of course were in the beach bag). So, picking her up diaper-less while trying not to spread her mess, we retrieved them and finished the job, remembering to repack the wipes. Now we were definitely good-to-go.

But oops, I’d almost forgotten her beloved pacifier. Together we hunted, finding one on the floor (and washing it). But wait. I wanted to take my camera, so upstairs we went, baby, bag and me, on another hunt.

And finally….


….we headed for the door, but not before I decided to pack a few toys. Kneeling down with Emerald still in my arms, we chose her favorites from the basket, stuffing them into our now-plump, heavy bag. It had taken more time to prepare than we’d anticipated, so we swapped the stroller for the car and were, at long last, good-to-go.

I’m often caught unprepared, wondering why I didn’t think of this or that, or at least make a list. But one of my closest friends is Jesus Christ, and he’s just the opposite of me. He’s always prepared. As a matter of fact, he’s currently preparing something very special for me: a place in the hereafter. Sometimes when I’ve tried to prepare and failed, I think of the thorough job Jesus is doing, and I’m thankful it’s him and not me. Nothing will be forgotten, and my eternity will be glorious!

Beach party!

By the way, Emerald loved our beach excursion, but after 90 minutes she was hungry. Sadly, I’d forgotten the bottle on the kitchen counter.

The sad truth is, as hard as I try, I’ll probably never be completely “good-to-go”…. until, that is, it’s time for heaven.

Jesus said, “I am going to prepare a place for you.” (John 14:2)


Going to War

This morning I met with my prayer group in our weekly effort to bring 200+ requests to God for his answers. Because we make an effort get the job done before morning moves into afternoon, we try to be efficient, though never sacrificing Spirit-led diversions from having their way.

We categorize according to illnesses, revival, church concerns, career problems, missions, community services, and more. We also pray for our government and for the military, including any in our congregation on active duty.

Soldiers in combat

This morning as one of the ladies prayed about war zones and soldiers, my thoughts wandered to that familiar old aphorism, “There are no atheists in foxholes.” It originated in the 1940’s and implies that everyone who finds themselves under extreme stress will seek the help of a higher power.

Army rucksacks used to include pocket New Testaments as an encouragement toward that higher power, but in recent years they’ve been eliminated. Maybe there just isn’t room anymore, with everything else a soldier has to carry:

  • rifleMilitary rucksack
  • ammo
  • food rations
  • water canteens
  • batteries
  • body armor
  • helmet
  • first aid kit
  • grenades
  • notebook & pen
  • maps
  • 2-way radio
  • compass
  • GPS
  • flak jacket
  • gloves
  • ear plugs
  • goggles
  • weapon cleaning kit
  • book of local language

And that’s just the first 20 items. Depending on the mission, there might be many more. The goal is to protect our fighting men and women as thoroughly as possible, although the weight of these supplies often reaches 100 pounds.

But what if a soldier said, “All that stuff just weighs me down, so my plan is to leave it behind when I go into battle. I’ll be able to run faster and stay energized longer without that extra 100 pounds, which is a more sensible way to fight.”

We’d all argue against that, but in life’s spiritual battles, for those of us waging war against temptations every day, we often do exactly that. Ephesians 6 details a supply list that offers sure protection:

  • belt of truth
  • body armor of God’s righteousness
  • shoes prepared with the gospel of peace
  • shield of faith
  • helmet of salvation
  • sword of the Spirit
  • the Word of God

When we lose a battle, we should immediately take inventory of our fighting gear. Did we forget to bring (or purposely leave behind) our protective equipment?

Camoflage New Testament

It’s a shame New Testaments have been eliminated from standard military supply, though the 20+ items soldiers do carry are sure to help them. But for those of us not currently in the military, it’s that same New Testament that contains the only effective supply list that will help us conquer our enemies day-to-day.

And it weighs far less than 100 pounds.

“We are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)