
Having hope is something everybody needs, at every age, and in every category. But our enemy, the devil, works relentlessly to demolish our hope, especially in medical crises. For example, he whispers, “Nelson can’t beat this. No one can overcome cancer this extensive. I’m going to win this one, and you know it.”

But we don’t know it.

The only things we know for sure are the things God tells us—things like this:

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

Nelson is being hard pressed on every side, but we believe he won’t be crushed.  He and all of us are perplexed, but we won’t despair. He’s been persecuted by this awful cancer, but neither God nor any of us will ever abandon him. He’s been struck down, definitely. But we’re asking his Heavenly Father to protect him from complete destruction.

Today a worn out Nelson, who’d struggled with increasing pain through the night, was transported to a separate Mayo Clinic building where he endured what he called a “brutal procedure.”

Since his lungs continually fill with fluid making it difficult to breathe, his pulmonary doctor moved to install a catheter or shunt so Nelson will be able to drain it himself. In the process, he had his right lung drained for the 5th time, another liter-plus of fluid.

Following this, Nelson was taken to radiology for a chest x-ray to check the position of the catheter in his lung, and then back to his hospital room. When I asked him if he’d been transported by wheelchair or ambulance he said, “By bed.” Then he gave me a goofy grin, as if to say, “How ‘bout that.”

In addition to the lung procedure today, three other significant things happened:

  1. All nine of the biopsy studies came back, revealing that Nelson was a good candidate for immunotherapy. We were thrilled with that news, since this cutting-edge method of treating cancer, even Stage 4 cancer, is getting good results.
  2. We also learned that Nelson’s treatment would begin today. This was to be a combination of chemotherapy and immunotherapy, delivered through an IV. As I sat in his hospital room this afternoon, the process began right in front of my eyes.

I almost cried knowing the long wait was over at last. As of 5:30 PM today, his cancer cells would no longer be allowed to rule the day, even those recently found in his brain. Instead they would be forced to die.

  1. Something else wonderful happened today. Since the battle to get ahead of Nelson’s pain had failed as many days as it had succeeded, they gave Nelson his own button to push whenever relief was needed. When I arrived today and said, “How’s it going?” he lifted up something small and said, “This…. is a game changer.”

A cylinder the size of a chapstick with a button at one end was delivering high-powered pain relief with every push of his thumb. No more calling for a nurse and waiting for a pill that would take 30 minutes to work. He was in charge now, and he couldn’t have been happier.

…..not crushed, not despairing, not abandoned, not destroyed.

“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial….” (James 1:12)

6 thoughts on “Crushed?

  1. It’s encouraging to hear how Nelson is getting relief from his pain & immunology treatment for the cancer. Just hear on news yesterday that that treatment was used for a type of colon cancer trial & all 12 people treated overcame their cancer. Thanks for the updates & continued prayers r being spoken.

  2. Praying for protection, hope and healing. Thanks for the “sparkles” during this battle.

  3. Music always seems to say words that help remind me of Gods Love. This morning I was listening to Gaither Band sing the song “Reckless Love”. Here’s the words…
    Oh the overwhelming reckless love of God.
    There’s no shadow you won’t light
    No mountain you won’t climb up
    Coming after me. Leaves the 99.
    God is fighting for us & loves us.

  4. Dear Margaret,
    Sounds like Nelson finally is getting the treatment that is needed. Prayers and hugs always and remember, you and your family are not in this alone. We serve a risen savior and family and friends who love you will be praying and be an encouragement to you all May God’s healing hands be upon Nelson and May his healing powers, be a testimony of who he is. In Jesus name we pray amen.
    God bless you and your family
    Faith & Wally Janusz

  5. Dear Margaret,
    I was reminiscing about the times we served at Moody and we had the toddler fashion show. You have always been such a creative mom. I thank you for having confidence in me being your secretary on the nursery committee. Always fond memories. and pics to go with it too. The arts and crafts the kids made for mother’s day with the hand print and so many other things. Thank you again for being a great leader and friend.
    God Bless,
    Faith Janusz

  6. So, so thankful for the staff at Mayo. And so thankful for the option of immunotherapy for Nelson. I’ve heard wonderful reports of other patients being greatly helped by it. Much love to all of you.