Happy Birthday, Mary!

Party timeToday my sister turns 71, and it’s tempting to wish we were back last year at this same time. None of us knew then about the deadly cancer that was just around the corner, and we celebrated her 70th with the assumption her life would continue for many years, maybe even decades. After all, Dad and Mom both lived to 92, so why shouldn’t she?

But this year, short of the Lord’s miraculous intervention, a different scenario is unfolding for Mary. Whatever her future looks like, though, it’s really a future that belongs to God, because decades ago Mary handed over the reins of her life to him. That’s the one-and-only reason she can nod and say, “It’s ok by me, Lord.”

Actually it’s more than just ok. Mary has let God do the choosing for her all the way along (not just with cancer but with everything), so she’s fully on board. If God flat-out gave her a choice, she might prefer to go the distance like Mom and Dad, but at this point all indications are he’s got something else in mind for her.

This seismic shift has been a challenge to accept, and those of us around her have had a harder time with it than she has, proof that she has totally abandoned herself to her heavenly Father’s will.

IMG_4973Mary was a compliant child, a person who loved to please. That character trait has continued through her life, first wanting to please her earthly father, then her heavenly Father. The key has been trusting them both wholeheartedly, sincerely believing that their ideas, first her father’s, then her Father’s, were always the best ones, whether painful or painless. And when we’re sure something is for the best, it’s easier to accept.

Several of Mary and Bervin’s children and grandchildren came to town to make this birthday a very special one with a swimming party, dinner out, gifts, and lots of memory-making.

But as always, Mary’s main concern on her birthday was that they all had a good time.

“The Lord leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands.” (Psalm 25:10)

Praising and Praying with Mary

  1. Thanks be to God for a very happy day receiving birthday phone calls and texts from loved ones, and spending time celebrating with family.
  2. Please pray that my energy levels will be high enough to enjoy all the upcoming holiday fun.