Keeping Secrets

DeterminationBirgitta has been a most diligent mother during the last 5 months since Emerald came along. Adding university studies in January forced her to get organized in a way that stretched her limits, and a baby doesn’t sympathize with additional work loads. But Birgitta never once complained about any of it, including the evaporation of her pre-baby social life.

In addition to the many radical changes she’s experienced in the last few months, she also “lost” her sister Louisa to a 2 year commitment to Youth With A Mission. Six months would pass before they could be together again, which amounted to one more difficult adjustment for Birgitta.

But in Montana at the YWAM base, Louisa was feeling it, too, and began praying about a possible visit home during spring break. Nelson counseled her to “try to do it,” and when she unexpectedly walked in our door last night at midnight, Birgitta couldn’t have been more shocked… or delighted!

Klaus had retrieved Louisa from the airport, and since I’d been tipped off to the surprise, I worked to keep the exhausted Birgitta from heading to bed before the arrival. But finally she said, “I’m going to bed,” and I wasn’t sure what to do. Louisa had texted, “Ten more minutes!”

I tried to stall her. “Why don’t you stay up just a few more minutes?” I said.


“Because Klaus is on his way over with a surprise for you.”

“What?” she said. “Now? What is it?”


Unwilling to spoil things I said, “You won’t want to miss it!” And a few minutes later when she rounded the corner and saw her sister, she was dumbfounded.

Keeping a secret is difficult and requires a good deal of self-control. It’s exciting to reveal something only you are privileged to know, and the temptation is to let the news slip out prematurely. In my case I fully intended to keep the secret but came close to spilling the beans several times, by mistake. For 6 weeks I was nearly bursting with anticipation of how Birgitta was going to love the surprise and could hardly wait to have her know.

Maybe that’s how it is with the Lord. He’s got secrets galore about what’s ahead for his children. I envision him bursting with anticipation for us, knowing how delighted we’ll be when we finally see all he’s got waiting for us. And yet he’s a pro at self-control and won’t reveal too much too soon. All he’ll say is, “Just know it’s beyond your wildest imaginings!”

A thrill

Watching Birgitta experience Louisa’s big surprise last night was well worth the weeks of silence, and when I saw that, I was glad I hadn’t spoiled it by letting her know too soon. God doesn’t want to spoil it for us, either, and is surely anticipating our joy, knowing his “reveal” will make us deliriously happy.

“We declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.” (1 Corinthians 2:7)