Touching Jesus

Last Sunday while still in Colorado, our group of ladies wanted to attend church together, so 3 cars headed for downtown Colorado Springs and the Presbyterian church of our hostess. Since she had a part in the service, she and her husband left early, and I went with them, hoping for a quiet prayer time on a lovely morning.

Pike's PeakI found a bench not far from the church’s main entrance, appreciating a view of the distant Rocky Mountains and a snow-capped Pike’s Peak. It wasn’t long before families began arriving for the service, walking in groups from nearby city parking. As they came close, I marveled over the enthusiasm of youngsters racing ahead of their parents. “We want to see Jesus!” they said, breaking into a run. Others shouted, “We’re going to Jesus!” or “We’ll meet you by Jesus!” All I could think was that this church must have had a cracker-jack Sunday school program.

Jesus loves me. Once inside, I saw what they’d been talking about, a  full-sized bronze Jesus holding a young child. Although his arm was wrapped around the toddler sitting on his knee (with the toddler’s arm wrapped around him), his other arm was up and open, welcoming anyone who might want to climb on the other side of his lap.

Feeling good


Children were crawling all over Jesus, some sitting on his knee, others clinging to his back, one up on his shoulders. He was “polished” with the evidence of many embraces, and comparing that scene to Scripture’s picture of Jesus relating to children, these kids had the right idea.

In Luke 18 Jesus rearranged his disciples’ priorities, telling them they had it all wrong by trying to keep kids away from him. “Don’t stop them!” he said. (v. 16) “My kingdom belongs to those who believe in Me with exactly this kind of open-mindedness and acceptance.”

But the disciples had a different agenda, thinking his preaching mattered more. What they didn’t realize was that he was preaching: to them. “You see these little ones? Watch how I’m delighting in their presence, loving them, blessing them. And take a lesson. You’re no more important than they are. As a matter of fact, why don’t you model yourselves after the eagerness and confidence they have in me. Then you’ll be on track for my kingdom.”

The statue of Jesus I saw last Sunday was originally commissioned as the centerpiece of a playground, the artist intending that children climb all over him. She named her work “The Embrace of Jesus,” hoping little ones would feel Christ’s embrace and then respond to his love.

Come unto Me.Since the adults in this church loved the sculpture as much as the kids did, eventually it was moved inside. And as I stood next to this life-sized Jesus, it was satisfying to realize that his empty knee and outstretched arm were big enough even for me.

Room for all“Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Luke 18:17)