
Bathtub drainToday I was the recipient of a personal touch from God.

I began as I always do, by filling the bathtub, but after sealing the drain and letting the water fill 2”, I noticed a grit across the bottom as if the bather ahead of me had stepped in with sandy feet. So I flipped the lever to let it drain, but it was a slow-go. This drain has been clogged for many weeks and by this time was down to a trickle. Waiting impatiently because I had a morning appointment, I looked at the clock to see how late I would be.

Those 2” of water took 9 long, annoying minutes to drain, reminding me I couldn’t put off calling a plumber much longer. Finally I filled the tub, planning to return later to rinse the soap scum away.

But when I had finished my bath and flipped the lever to open the drain, something incredible happened. The deep water in that tub whooshed out with force. Minutes earlier it had only trickled, but suddenly 13” of water was gone in 2 minutes!

Swirling drainI would have labeled it “just a lucky break” if it hadn’t been for one important factor. I share this with you, blog readers, knowing that “going public” might negate something valuable, but here goes.

In recent months I’ve been praying with passion about a stubborn problem that’s remained unchanged, and recently God reminded me that occasionally we should couple our prayers with fasting. Though I have little understanding of how fasting works, Scripture tells us two things: (1) the Lord sanctions fasting, and (2) it adds power to our prayers.

FastingThough the Bible says we’re to keep our fasts private, I’m sharing this story for one reason: to testify to what God did. These many months my specific prayer request has been for the Holy Spirit to “unclog” the thinking of a certain person, asking for a “breakthrough”. Then I committed to a one day fast, and on that very day an unexplainable rush of water “broke through” a “clogged” drain.


I think God wants us to continually watch for him. He’s working all around us, and to catch a glimpse of him is a spiritual high like no other. Though I risk losing the benefit of my fast by way of this post, I can’t keep quiet about God and his ever-present activity. As a result of this morning’s whoosh of water, I believe he’s going to specifically answer my requests. I don’t know when or how, but you can be sure I’ll be carefully watching for him.

“Pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance.” (Ephesians 6:18)