Unwrapping Christmas

Yesterday I received a heavy box in the mail, and since my granddaughter Emerald was over-to-play, we opened it together. That is, we tried.

The artistBefore I could fetch a scissors to cut the tape, Emerald (who was seated cross-legged on the kitchen counter) grabbed my pen and began drawing on the sturdy white box. Since it was heavy and seemed well-padded, I decided to let her have a moment with her idea and pulled out the colored markers for her.

She ended up working on that box for 25 minutes, a noteworthy attention span for a new two-year-old. As she chattered away, she turned the box (no small feat with its heft) and every so often asked for help with that. “Mee Mee help you?” I moved her to the floor where she continued to draw, decorating all 6 sides before she was finished.

While she was asleep, it occurred to me she’d never been interested in what was inside that big, heavy box, because she got distracted by the packaging.

The artworkSome of us are tempted to do that with the Christmas season, too, allowing ourselves to get so caught up with the trappings of the holiday we never get around to unwrapping God’s gift.

Admittedly, all the Christmas accessories fancy-up the season in ways that are difficult to resist. We buy into buying, and adorn our homes with baubles and bows. We choose well-balanced Christmas trees and load them with sentiment and family history. We entertain and bake and wrap and decorate till December 25 finally comes and goes. And then we fall into a tired heap with smiles on our faces, knowing fun was had by all.

Apples and jamBut did we ever take time to unwrap The Gift?

“…for the exceeding grace of God in you… thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” (2 Corinthians 9:14-15)


Praising and Praying with Mary

Please continue to pray about my painful feeding tube and for God’s wisdom about whether or not to have it removed.