Out of the Blue

LGLPPRecently I received a gift out of the blue from Tina, one of my blog readers. It was a high quality t-shirt of sky-blue, boasting a powerful one-liner:

Love God. Love People. Period.

Tina and her husband have similar shirts in their wardrobes, and she thought I would enjoy wearing the same simple but potent message. The t-shirts (and other gift products) originated from a man named Eddie, who was looking for an uncomplicated way to share his faith. The inspiration for his straightforward message was Matthew 22:37-39:

“When Jesus was asked by a lawyer which was the greatest of all the commandments, he replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments’.” 

Eddie took Jesus’ words and distilled them down to a couple of short sentences along with a “period” for emphasis. His desire was that this not be just a clever slogan but a way to tell strangers of the hope that was within him.

Eddie passed away in 2012 at age 58, but his shirts continue to speak the Gospel in a clean, no-nonsense way. His prayer had been that the “LGLPP” products would continue reminding Christians what they stand for, while creating opportunities to share the love of Jesus Christ.

Tina wrote, “We appreciate the simplicity of the words and the direct but subtle responses we get in various airports and on planes from people thankful for the ‘short and sweet’ one liner message.”

She and her husband have discovered that along with those who are curious about the shirt’s message, there are others in anonymous crowds who readily agree with what it says. “Hey! I like your shirt,” some say. And others give a thumbs-up approval.

US Supreme CourtBelievers in Christ can feel muzzled these days. For example, last week’s news reported that the Supreme Court will determine whether or not prayer in public places (graduations, town hall meetings, board meetings) is ok, and if the content of those prayers ought to be monitored. One journalist said 80% of public prayer to this point has been Christian, but now that must change. The Court will rule in mid-2014.

So far, though, wearing the LGLPP shirts is still ok. As Tina put it, “We’re wearing outside of our hearts, what’s in them. Hopefully loving God and loving his people will never go out of style.”

LGLPP.Tina’s gift made me question how faithfully I’ve been a public witness to my personal belief in Christ. Have I done as well as Tina and her husband? Or as Eddie?

“In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15)