Anticipating Perfection

Decades ago when I was pregnant, I looked forward to each monthly doctor’s appointment with high expectations, longing to come away with a new tidbit or two about my unborn baby.

These appointments didn’t give me much to go on, but I did get to hear the rapid heartbeat each month and always learned I’d gained a few pounds, which meant the baby was getting bigger. Tummy measurements confirmed that, and I left with greater knowledge of my child than I’d had going in.

Today’s mothers-to-be are privy to sophisticated ultrasound equipment that gives all kinds of info. Three-D photos show facial features with such accuracy parents can even tell which side of the family their little one resembles.

Four days from now we will get to “see” Birgitta’s baby via scheduled ultrasound, and though we may not be able to view defined facial features, we’ll learn if she’s carrying a boy or girl.

Craving information about this little mini-human surely pleases the One who’s working on creating him/her. We’re excited to meet the child God is preparing, but October 21st seems very far away! Thursday’s ultrasound will be thrilling as we get to know our baby just a little bit more.

Doctors insist the main goal of the procedure is to check for abnormalities, to verify the due date, and to be sure baby is growing well. Our main focus is, should we think pink or do blue?

But what if the ultrasound discovers something irregular? What if we learn baby will have a defective heart or malformed spine? Or any imperfection at all? What then?

Delivering a perfect baby on D-day is the goal of every mommy, but of course logic tells us there’s no such thing. Even if some babies appear perfect, we know all human beings have imperfections built into them, and all children eventually bring problems to their parents.

Birgitta has wisely turned down her opportunities to be invasively tested for some of the more serious troubles babies can have, knowing beyond doubt she would never terminate her pregnancy regardless. “So why worry about test results that might be inaccurate anyway?” she said.

I’m with her.

If we truly believe God is the creator of all life and of this child in particular, then isn’t it best to trust him to deliver the specific baby that’s right for Birgitta? And won’t he make sure we’re prepared to receive the one he sends?

All of us are rife with flaws, and to expect anything different from this baby is unrealistic. There’s only one way any of us can ever reach perfection, and that’s through Christ. We hope our little one will one day realize this, and I’m praying about that now. But in the mean time, we’re expecting God to do a perfect job of putting together this new little family in exactly the way he wants.

[Jesus Christ] “offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins. By that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy. (Hebrews 10:12,14)