Party Hardy?

A month ago I flew with other family members to the west coast for my nephew’s wedding. Although my children couldn’t all be with us, my sister and brother-in-law’s family of 20 was there in force to participate in 5 days of non-stop merry-making. At least one wedding-related festivity occurred each day, and other adventures were wedged in between: sightseeing, swimming, shopping, hiking, running, and lots of large-group dining.

When the night of the actual wedding finally arrived, some of us found our energy flagging, and the young set was especially pooped. Their naps and down times had been set aside in favor of family fun, and energy was dwindling. By the reception, they were dropping like flies.

The struggle to keep going can overwhelm any of us. When adults find their endurance fading, it’s usually a result of something far less exciting than wedding festivities. Exhaustion can come as a result of over-commitment, mismatched commitment, or commitment gone wrong. It arrives in our minds before it hits our bodies so that when it finally does take a physical toll, it can’t usually be corrected by a simple night’s sleep.

So what are we supposed to do when we hit the proverbial wall of I-can’t-go-on? In most cases we know we must, so where can we go for a good dose of staying power?

The answer is found in the Bible. It makes sense for us to ask the Someone who has an ample supply of stamina, resolve, and get-up-and-go. Though our resources to carry heavy loads have a definitive limit, God’s don’t. Scripture says he has “rich storehouses” of all things energetic.

In truth, no storehouse could hold all of God’s fortitude, but in that word picture he’s trying to impress on us that he’s got more than enough for you and me. Pulling our thoughts from our own shortfalls, he’s trying to focus us toward his abundance.

Most of our battles are won or lost in our heads, which then direct our bodies. It’s a good thing he designed us that way, since the majority of us would never have enough muscle-power, speed, or just-plain-zip to endure life’s challenges if they were only physical. So since our minds are the birthplace of a will to keep going, a sound strategy is to ask God to put it there. And it doesn’t even require going to the gym. As we request what we need, he makes us strong.

Our little people may not yet know how to claim scriptural promises for themselves, but God took care of that. He set them up so that a few minutes of zzz’s is all the rejuvenation they need to once again party hardy.





“I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit.  Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.” (Ephesians 3:16-17)