Family Updates, Part II: Grandchildren

Our family patriarch died of cancer on November 3, 2009. Within six months God had increased our ranks by bringing three new grandchildren to us. Nate and I have five grandbabies altogether, and I believe he knows more about each of them than I have yet learned.

A few years ago, when I was in my early sixties, I’d complained to more than a few friends that I was getting old without any grandchildren. Everyone I knew seemed to be “ahead of me” having the time of their lives with their little ones. Nate encouraged me by saying, “Don’t worry. When they come, it’ll probably be in a litter.” To my great joy, that’s what happened.

Skylar Grace – This sparkly little ball of fire was born in July of 2008, a miracle of God who came to be after doctors insisted a child would be impossible. She banished tears and brought laughter, and calls me Grandma Midgee. Because she’s been an early talker, we now converse over the phone like two regular people rather than an adult to a baby. In September she’s coming from Florida to visit, and I can’t wait!

Nicholas Carl – This little guy, born in January of 2009, already has dual citizenship in both the United States and the United Kingdom. His father took a British bride, and we are all wondering if Nicholas will have an accent like his daddy or his mummy. He arrived with a compliant personality and has been going with the flow ever since, giving his parents no trouble and learning life’s lessons with optimism and a smile.

Micah Nathan – Round as a butterball, Micah came to us three months after Nate died, in February of this year. He bears his grandfather’s name and will hear stories of who this man was, knowing him at least in this way. Watching a lively older sister is Micah’s favorite pastime, although mealtime runs a close second. I was hoping for at least one redhead, and Micah’s head-fuzz is hinting toward that end.

Evelyn Sarah – This little one, the female half of a double surprise blessing, arrived four months ago. The petite one of the pair, she makes few demands and finds security in the presence of her twin brother. They still sleep in the same crib, and when one wakes during the night, the other wakes, too, sharing meal time with mummy as a threesome.

Thomas Nathan – Since the name Thomas means twin, this little guy is aptly named. The fact that he’s a second baby-Nathan is double-joy to me and I hope one day to him. Thomas arrived weighing a pound more than Evelyn and has kept the weight-lead since then, growing tall well ahead of his petite sister. Several of us will be visiting the twins and Nicholas in October, refreshing relationships that span an ocean.

In Scripture, Job experienced losses in every life category including ten family deaths in one day. Ravaged with grief, he turned toward God and said, “The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away.” In our case, although our losses were not as catastrophic as Job’s, we say the same thing, only in reverse: “The Lord has taken away (Nate’s life), and the Lord has given us what we have (three new lives).”

Five little ones in 21 months? Now, that’s a litter! Job’s bottom line is ours, too: “Praise the name of the Lord!”

“ ‘The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!’ In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God.” (Job 1:21b-22)

Family Updates, Part I: Children

Our seven children and two children-in-law are far-flung these days, but of course no one actually flung them. They are where they are because they made plans to be there. Many have asked, “Where is so-and-so now? What is he/she doing?” So here are the answers:

Nelson – After leaving our cottage last December 31, he joined the leadership of Youth With A Mission on what’s called an Around the World Discipleship Training School (DTS), based in New Zealand. He helped prepare students over a three month period for their global journey pursuing various mission projects in the months following. They began in South Africa and worked their way north to Morocco, ending in Jerusalem. They debriefed in Egypt, and this week Nelson is in Amman, Jordan. After a stop in England, he’ll arrive back at the cottage on Labor Day weekend, planning to lead another Around the World DTS in 2011.

Lars –When we learned of Nate’s cancer last September, he accepted an offer to transfer from his San Diego insurance company to a branch office in the Chicago area, in order to be near us. Working hard in a difficult sales market, he visits me often and frequently entertains friends from San Diego. He’s been my mainstay on paperwork and personal financial stuff, having a head for numbers that I don’t have.

Linnea and Adam – Living in Florida, they have visited me often since Nate died and will return again in September. During that month they’ll celebrate their 7th anniversary. Adam continues to work in the family contracting business, which is bouncing back after the difficult days most builders have experienced in recent years. Linnea is a stay-at-home mommy to Skylar and Micah, who will be the subject of tomorrow’s Part II update.

Klaus – Logistically closest to me, he lives one mile away and pops in regularly, asking, “Need anything done?” It’s reassuring to know help is nearby, when I need it. He works for a cousin-in-law in the building industry and is enjoying the extended family relationships that come along with the job.

Hans and Katy – They’re busy around the clock caring for three babies who all arrived in the same 15 month period. Hans is a gardener with more work than he needs, and also a school drum teacher. He teaches privately as well, with students coming to their house for lessons. Katy stays home with the little ones, who will be part of tomorrow’s Part II update on grandbabies. They’ve been married three years.

Louisa – This week she’s working on moving from Chicago to Michigan before leaving the midwest for a nine month school of intensive Bible study in Kona, Hawaii. She’ll be studying at the University of the Nations, which is the main campus of Youth With A Mission. Her coursework at the School of Biblical Studies (SBS) will finish in June of 2011.

Birgitta – Now settled in at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, she has begun an academic journey toward a degree in art therapy, a new and growing field of psychological counseling. After her year of working and living in Chicago near the Loop, school looks good again.

And those are our kids, Nate’s and mine. Although I started to write “those are my kids,” that just doesn’t seem right. Despite Nate’s absence, these 7 + 2 will always be “ours”. They have filled our coffers to overflowing.

”May the Lord bless you… all the days of your life; and may you live to see your children’s children.” (Psalm 28:5a,6a)

You just never know…

Mom was born in 1912. Arriving several weeks prematurely, she was the fourth baby in her family. Because she was tiny, the doctor told her parents, “Don’t give her a name. She’s not going to make it, so you don’t want to get too attached.”

But Mom fooled everybody; she lived to be 92. You just never know…

Our firstborn nearly died at nine months with a case of croup we thought was just laryngitis. When he couldn’t sleep for all the coughing, we called the doctor, who sent us to the hospital. En route, the baby went limp, his eyes rolled back, and we were terrified.

Thanks to quick, discerning doctors, he lived, and after four days in the hospital, he slowly recuperated. When it was all over, Nate and I fell apart, realizing how close we’d come to losing our little guy. You just never know…

Fast forward to last year, when Nate and I relocated to Michigan. His plan had been to work full time until 2011, then subtract one work day each week for the next five years. But “untimely” cancer arrived, and 42 days later, our plans were shelved. Nate had died “ahead of schedule” at 64. We hadn’t planned on that, but you just never know…

None of us ever knows. The biblical character Methuselah lived to be 969 years old, but then King David’s new baby died.  Not one day is guaranteed to any of us. When we were born, God didn’t promise old age. Yet we find ourselves angry when someone is taken “before their time.” If they’ve died, though, it was their time. We just can’t know, because God doesn’t tell.

The Bible describes long life as a blessing, and everyone seems to want it. God sometimes rewarded righteous behavior by extending a life. Today, for those who passionately want to increase their time on earth, Scripture gives the how-to: obey everything God says.

At least five times the Lord plainly advises that keeping all his commands, decrees and statutes, and living by his wisdom, will lengthen life. We can’t know from what original end-date he’s computing that, but if we believe the Bible, obedience definitely brings additional time.

Mom was thankful for her long life and lived each day vigorously. But in her last years she often said, “Old age isn’t for sissies.” Troubles of all kinds pile high on the elderly, weighing them down with woe, and she was no exception. Maybe that’s why the genuinely righteous are the only ones who get their death-dates bumped; God knows that in order to handle those burdensome days, great stores of wisdom and godliness are a prerequisite. When we seek longevity, we’re signing up for the toughest challenge of our lives.

You just never know…    But then maybe it’s better that way.

”No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death.” (Ecclesiastes 8:8)