The Desserts of Life

While having a sleepover with my Knoxville friend Marge (en route to Florida), we sat at her kitchen table late into the evening talking about our lives as widows. She believes, as I do, that God is looking out for us, steadily taking care of our needs. Once in a while the Lord adds to that basic care, just like a yummy dessert sometimes follows a gourmet meal.

Marge has a name for these moments and the reason why they happen. She calls them “the desserts of life,” a little something that’s unnecessary but sweet. And the reason? God.

As we talked, our conversation was punctuated with these desserts. For example, the two of us stood at her upstairs bedroom window facing west. She said, “Sometimes I come here to watch the sunset. One especially pretty sky made me run for my camera. Just when I was ready to click the shutter, a crowd of geese flew by in a perfect V, and I snapped it. The picture is a lovely reminder of God’s presence in my life, a sweet dessert.”

Marge detailed a second example. The day her father died she was managing a job, a home, four kids and both parents in the hospital. Not knowing her father was near death, she arrived during visiting hours, walking past long elevator lines to the freight elevators in the back. When the doors opened, there was her father on a gurney, headed for emergency surgery. In a few critical moments she learned of his fragile condition, ministered comfort to him, told him what a wonderful father he was and kissed him goodbye. A dessert of life.

One more little example. After my root canal I needed the crown repaired. Calling the dentist’s office I said, “I’ll be in the area tomorrow. By any chance is there an opening?” It was a dessert of life to hear the receptionist tell me I’d called “at exactly the right time” because someone had just cancelled and there was an opening for me.

These desserts of life are labeled “coincidences” by most people but not by Marge. She’s daily trusting God to take care of her and as a result is quick to feel his touch. Then, as she attributes the unusual happenstances to him and acknowledges them as his gifts, her trust grows, and her joy increases.

She’s getting better and better at recognizing him and is savoring one tasty dessert after another.

Dessert… trust… joy… dessert… trust… joy.

“The Lord will tear down the house of the proud, but he will establish the boundary of the widow.” (Proverbs 15:25)


13 thoughts on “The Desserts of Life

  1. I love that idea.Dessert is my favourite part of a meal.I will be watching for God’s desserts.

  2. Fantastic! Thank you Margaret, it is so true God gives us so many, delightful ‘desserts’ in life.

  3. I like that name too; I always called them ‘my Daddy hugs’ Our Abba Father loves us so much more than we could ever imagine. I like the ‘sweet’ sound of ‘dessert’ too. thanks for sharing it.

  4. I love your friend, Marge. Could she come to visit you? It would be so nice to have her visit our Bible Study. What a wonderful attitude – you gals are a real inspiration!! Yep – God is so good, loving,kind, etc. etc. etc.

  5. Thanks, Doris. (see above) The Desserts of Life are given to me, daily, and I’m so thankful, to the Lord, for them. If I knew how to post the photo, of the sunset with the geese, I would do so, here, but in the meantime, it is on facebook. We all are so blessed to have Margaret as our friend and sister.

  6. Coincidences-no,no-Godincidences as a dear friend calls them. Lovely story thanks Margaret

  7. I have come to know Marge over the years as my husbands sister-in-law, well that makes her mine too!! I love her positive way of looking at life, no wonder she (and you) have so many
    “desserts” in life. I love the concept. God is like that, he is a sweet pappa who likes to surprise us kids with desserts.

  8. Had one such desssert last Saturday when taking out the garbage (which I really dont’ like to do) and heard sounds overheard, and it was a flock of sand cranes over head. Had I not been outside doing what I didn’t like to do, I would not have seen God’s creatures doing what He programed them to do. I was able to share that with a neighbor as I walked down the block. How amazing God has made all his creatures.

  9. hey Marge l am writing this and then lm going back to bed.still feeling awfully sick and dizzy love ya Barb Love your desert log,

  10. dsblkbklfjbe;ohkj;jc.b.xn;ljkzxn ,mn,.mnlk n;kllkmcnlknihkp’ieflknlhnpidcdlknl;knxz/,mn/,.m;xkzzxc’pok’dcok;ml’;kxlcx,m/.,mx’/m;kdmnkc’jo'[pjkodelk’;pj'[pdo,lm;.,xmczxcxzlk’;kcld’k

  11. yes I agree ,God’s mercies are always there for us dailyJesus open our eyes and hearts,knowing that you love us and never forsake us.Karin