Nelson’s journal 3/3/22

Nelson was always on the alert for God’s messages to him, trying to remain open to his ideas, especially those that seem impossible at the time. This applied to everything from career choice, living situation, even filling out tax forms. How does a person make good plans without becoming controlling? In this journal entry, he’s figured it out.


March 3, 2022 

Isaiah 55…One of the all time greats. God reminding us that his thoughts are not our thoughts nor his ways ours.

I have seen so many times how he leads us in a way and for a reason we could never have guessed, so how can we even plan anything? It’s funny we even try. But we sure do.

Plans are good, but the outcome is always in the hands of the Lord. If I try to honor him and do the right thing, that’s the important part. Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness… that’s what matters, not where we go or what we do.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9)

I want to be honest, but not a fool or a sucker. For example, doing taxes takes a skill I don’t really have, but I paid a guy to do it all those years, then realized I’m smart enough to do it. I just don’t like the dirty feeling I get once I’m done.

There’s no way I know to do it without feeling like I have to either screw myself so bad or that I’m somehow cheating. So now I do it somewhere in the middle and try not to feel guilty. Anyway, lots of things have gone that way for me. I used to obsess on them and they ruined my life and became gods.

Now I mostly let things go and leave the results up to the Lord. Maybe it’s a release of control. I think so. People who try to control everything seem so much unhappier than the ones who just focus on living and less on the bottom line.

Working with Tim yesterday was fun, and I enjoy learning about electricity and like the thought of being an expert at something. I’ve always been the jack of all trades, master of none. I’d love to at least be an expert in something. lol.

Maybe God doesn’t care about that, but I would like to try to become a licensed electrician in the State of Hawaii. How hard can it be? Once you learn something, it instantly becomes easy.

Been praying for Ukraine at church and in Kokua Crew. It’s been good. Also, I like how it has eclipsed the whole corona virus thing. That was getting so old. Hard to believe they made such a big deal about that for so long, when it was basically nothing all along. A lesson in what the media can do.


“The Lord of Hosts has sworn, ’As I have planned, so shall it be’.” (Isaiah 14:24)

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