The Bottom of the List

We promised to let you know if something happened with Nelson’s health, and sadly, it has.

On Sunday evening, Ann Sophie noticed he wasn’t himself. He’d been sleeping most of the day, with an increase in coughing. His oxygen was at 76, dangerously low, and even with a 4-liter oxygen assist, it wouldn’t register above 91. His fever was 100.8, pulse 120, blood pressure 93/68.

Nelson, Ann Sophie, Will, and her mother Astrid are still technically in a covid quarantine period, but the oncologist said Nelson should go to the ER anyway. This is always last choice on Nelson’s list, and being admitted to the hospital is even below that. But he went, and it wasn’t long before they had admitted him, this time to the Methodist Hospital of the Mayo Clinic.

He received antibodies, but the doctor found that because of his depleted immune system, he had contracted another infection, possibly bacterial pneumonia. They began IV antibiotics and gave no promise about going home any time soon—exactly what Nelson had hoped wouldn’t happen.

His breathing, always troublesome, called for a draining of the left lung. They collected over 1000 milliliters, which helped him breathe better but was more than had been collected in quite some time. Even after this improvement, though, his oxygen would go down immediately if he removed the nasal cannula.

Amidst all of this bad news, there was one positive development. His platelets had gone from a dangerously low count of 27 to 325. This means the bone marrow has probably recovered from the last blast of chemo three weeks ago and is now doing its job with the platelets. We rejoice over this victory.

But Ann Sophie’s assessment last night when she left the hospital was that his swelling had increased throughout his body. This is fluid that’s being produced by the cancer itself. There was concern over the extreme swelling in his left arm as a result of the extensive clot beneath his collar bone that extends into three veins. Last we knew, they were talking about another ultrasound to look closely at it.

This report probably includes more medical detail than you might have needed, but many are asking. Thank you for your continued prayers for Nelson and his family as this disease yanks them in and out of crisis after crisis. May God bring peace, progress, and even some fresh joy to them in the midst of all this misery.

“He who watches over you will not slumber. The Lord will watch over your life. The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121, parts)

4 thoughts on “The Bottom of the List

  1. O Lord God, do your mighty miracle in Nelson’s life. Bring him healing. Bring him comfort and peace. Encourage his heart. In your precious name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

  2. The roller coaster ride that is cancer! Praying, praying, praying!!

  3. You all remain in my heart and prayers.
    May “the God of all comfort” sustain you hour by hour.
    He is able. His goodness and mercy follow you
    All the days of your life.

  4. So thankful that the Holy Spirit prays for us. There are no words. Praying always.