The Words’ Words

The Father, Son, and Spirit love the Word. And this Triune God has tried to let us know, in the most understandable way possible, that They personify the Word:

The Word.

“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. (John 1:1-2)

Despite Their efforts to make this supernatural mystery understood by us non-supernaturals, we still have trouble getting it, getting Them. All we can do is nod our heads and in an effort to receive the truth say, “Ok, I believe you.”

But that doesn’t seem like enough. Is there any other way to join the Holy Spirit, God the Father, and His Son Jesus in honoring Them as the Word They are?

In a Bible passage familiar to many of us (Deuteronomy 6), They’ve given us some ideas of what we can do. They’ve told us to make Scripture, which is made up of Their words, part of our everyday lives, talking about it, teaching it, basing our decisions on it, lifting it up as the ultimate Authority. They’ve also suggested wearing biblical words on jewelry or clothing, whatever it will take to remind us regularly of the principles of the Word. They’ve even recommended writing them on our walls and doors.

In other words They’ve said, “Infuse every part of every day with Our Word. Make it natural to talk about Us any time and all the time, not just on special occasions. Set prompts around your homes as reminders to speak about Our importance, and if it helps, devote wall space to Scripture plaques and biblical artwork in your homes.”

The Deuteronomy verses tell us that doing these things will be evidence of wholehearted commitment to the Word, Father, Son, and Spirit, as well as an acknowledgement of our soul-love for These Three.

I saw some of this love-of-the-Word at Linnea and Adam’s house last week (wall art from Galatians 5) adorning a prominent corner in their living room.

The Word

Scripture is honored in their other rooms, too, as it is at my house, at my sister’s, and others I know. Biblical words are even carved in granite throughout our nation’s capitol, a testimony to the impact it has had (They have had) on our history.

May we jump at every chance to honor the Words’ words in what we say and do, lifting Them high every day, in every way.

Repeat [the Word’s words] again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:7-9)