Thanks for your interest in our book, THRIVE AND SURVIVE, ZERO TO FIVE. It has just launched!

The book’s practical counsel is meant to encourage mothers of children from zero (birth) to five years old. These particular years can be intense with an overwhelming amount of hands-on labor, so young moms need a boost now and then. We’ve tried to provide that in THRIVE AND SURVIVE.

My sister Mary and I, who collaborated on the book, wrote about what worked and what didn’t in raising our collective 14 children. We didn’t quote any experts but simply shared what the two of us learned from 40+ years of active mothering. Included in the book are some of our worst failures, because we hope young moms will learn how to move forward by reading of our setbacks.

But the book is also chock full of encouraging words and examples to carry young mothers through rough days. And as they read, we hope they’ll realize afresh that mothering is the most significant job any woman can do.

THRIVE AND SURVIVE, ZERO TO FIVE is now available on Amazon, with the Kindle version coming soon. Availability at other booksellers will occur in the near future. Though Mary isn’t here to watch it unfold (having moved from earth to heaven three years ago), I hope she’s aware that our book has crossed the finish line.

May the Lord use it for good in the lives of young moms.

“Encourage each other and build each other up.” (1 Corinthians 5:11)