Signs of the Times

Let's celebrate !Today was a day of celebration centered around our middle child, Klaus. Last week he graduated with a degree in Human Resource Management from Purdue University at the same time as he turned 32, and he’s close to launching an interactive web site he’s been developing for 3 years, On top of that, he and Brooke are 3 weeks from their wedding and a honeymoon in Hawaii, making these particular months an extraordinary time for them both.

Every life includes significant mile-markers, and looking backward we can see them clearly. Some are celebratory events like today’s party, but others would never be labeled “celebrations”. We don’t think of the negatives as being mile-markers, but they’re probably more significant than the party-worthy ones. For example, a critical comment might be a marker that ends up changing a bad behavior pattern. Or an unexpected job loss might lead to a much better career.

An important marker might be a parent’s dementia when they no longer recognize their own child, or the death of someone dearly loved. These milestones aren’t good ones but are profoundly important just the same. And good things can come from all of them. Klaus is a case in point.

Nate and I had to take him out of college (for financial reasons) when he was only half-finished at age 20, a big disappointment to him at the time. Today, degree in hand, he looks back at that signpost and says, “It’s better this way. Back then I had no idea what I wanted from life.” Good has come from what was a “bad” marker 12 years ago.

A GOOD day...

Another Klaus-example was the signpost that occurred when he chose to leave the bustling Chicago metro area to live in a tiny Michigan town. After living his whole life “in the big city,” his move to a small town seemed difficult, but down the road he ended up meeting his true love.

Scripture tells us if we turn our lives over to God’s direction, every mile-marker after that will have positive results….. eventually. As always, patience is required, but if we’ve given our lives to God for his purposes (which are always good), without fail those purposes will stand. (Proverbs 19:21)

Klaus has committed his life to Jesus Christ, and the markers we celebrated today are part of what has resulted. He recognizes that this year’s many important signposts are exactly what God had in mind for him. Though there may be disappointments or even catastrophes in his future, they won’t come without God having sanctioned them first, and since that’s true, Klaus can proceed with confidence and optimism.

Cousins Emerald and Jones, 1 week apart

One of his gifts today was a box entitled, “Your Life in T-shirts.” Each one represented a life-marker, beginning with a tiny baby shirt embossed with his name. He’ll wear many other shirts in coming years such as “” or “Welcome to Fatherhood!” or “Little League Coach.” Today we celebrated the signposts thus far…. while God was busy putting the next markers into place.

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” (Isaiah 30:21)