An Update from Jack

My last blog post was over 7 months ago, and tonight Midge asked if I felt like writing. Since I’ve been hoping for a chance to tell you about some significant changes in my life, I said yes.

Tired JackThe changes I’m talking about aren’t physical, though at 87 years old, I’m definitely slowing down. My problem is that I’m changing on the inside, especially in my head. Midge tells me I’m acting different these days, and that makes sense, since I feel different.


Sometimes I have such an overwhelming need to get near her that when she’s doing dishes, I’ll wedge myself between her knees and the kitchen cabinets. Or I’ll plant myself right on top of her feet. Often I’ll lie down so close that when she turns around, she trips over me.

At other times I’ll find myself wandering down to the basement, even when the lights are off, and when I get there, I’ll stand in one place wondering what I’m doing there. Back upstairs I might start licking the carpet and be unable to stop myself without help, even after 15 minutes.

Occasionally I’ll drink all the water in my big drinking bowl without stopping, licking the bottom when I’m done. And when we go on walks, I sometimes forget to do what I’m supposed to do while we’re out.

Over the weekend, Midge and my cousin-girl Marta took me to the vet for a once-over. All 3 of us learned the reason behind these changes. Though it’s true I have multiple benign tumors in my abdomen, some as big as baseballs, they aren’t my problem. The real trouble is that my “thinker” is wearing out. It turns out I have (gulp) doggie-dementia.

The vet performed some tests on me, and said that physically I was doing ok. Nothing needed to be done. I was glad to hear that, and I know Midge was, too. The doctor simply said, “If Jack needs you to be his security blanket right now, that’s ok, isn’t it?” It was comforting to see Midge nod yes.

When we arrived home, Midge and I had a serious talk. She told me that no matter what happens, she’ll always love me, and that we’ll work together to make my remaining time the best it can be. She said if I have to start taking medicine, she’ll wrap each pill in my favorite cheese. And as long as I can get up from a lying position (quite difficult these days), she’ll continue taking me on walks.

???????????????????????????????Midge told me that she and anyone else who loves God can trust him to care for them, no matter how old and needy they get. So since she’s not worried about her own future, I’m not gonna worry about mine. The same God who created her created me, so I know he’ll make old age work out for both of us.

“Throughout your lifetime…. I made you, and I will care for you.  (Isaiah 46:4)

 Praising and Praying with Mary

No news is good news, and both little Anders and I continue to do well. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer! I will be sure to update you in this space, as soon as anything new happens. You are much appreciated!