Nelson’s journal 3/26/22

In the 13 days since Nelson last wrote in his journal, their baby had finally arrived. Though Ann Sophie labored hard for many hours in their apartment, assisted by two midwives, in the end it was a race to the hospital at midnight to make it happen. And Nelson “forcefully insisted” he be at Ann Sophie’s side through the emergency C-section, despite Covid rules.

 They named their little boy Willard Nelson Nyman—after his father Nelson, his grandfather Willard Nathan Nyman, and his great grandfather, Willard Nelson Nyman. It was exciting to see how they honored three generations with their name choice. They’ll call him Will.

The name Willard means “strong desire,” and their prayer was for little Will to have a strong desire for the Lord.


March 26, 2022     

Day 12 of life with Little Will. We have John Hartley back with us. I’ll help him change the serpentine belt on his Jeep later this morning.

It’s really cool to have a son. Something I wrote off as probably not happening because it was too late, and because I messed up my life too much to get a woman young enough to bear children, or even be interested. God, you are so good to us.

You have put me into a place I could never have imagined. You have given me a girl beyond my dreams and a son. The Kokua Crew we have is amazing and the job here is even more than I would have imagined. Thank you for everything and for the things I don’t even know about.

Thank you that Annso survived the birth in good shape. Thank you that Mom was able to come out here and get a list for her prayer journal and that she and Annso talked about everything. Thank you for my rock solid heritage.

I pray for the service tomorrow that we can have a good turnout and that you would be found at our church. I pray for Jimmy [intern] and my service at the church in these last 4 weeks.


“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.” (Jeremiah 17:7)        

Nelson’s journal 3/10/22    

As their overdue baby boy continues to stay snuggled within Ann Sophie, Nelson continues to struggle with the leap from YWAM work (no two days alike) to electrician work (all days much the same). He’s aching to make the right decision at this pivotal point in his life.

He still has 2 Chronicles 16:7-9 on his mind as a new day dawns, focusing on his dilemma by tapping out the pros and cons on his laptop…while staying close by, in case this might be the day he officially becomes a father.


March 10, 2022 

From 2 Chronicles 16:Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand… Yet when you relied on the Lord, he delivered them into your hand. For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing…”

This passage might be applied to a person who is making a plan where his own idea or way out of a situation takes precedence over relying on God. I have this scenario set up to start working for Tim as a full time electrician instead of what we are now doing, which will include moving to Kama’aina Hale instead of Hale Ola (both on the Big Island of Hawaii).

Annso and I differentiate days from one another by whether they are “YWAM Days” or not. YWAM days are full and unpredictable. You don’t get paid and can’t amass a pile of treasure for yourself, but you have lots of people in your life, and it’s a little more complicated.

I look forward to the work of YWAM days and dread the regular working days. Working days are simple. You trade time for money and get a skill out of the deal. YWAM days are “Jack of all trades, master of none” kind-of-days. The working days are “master of one.” I’m just writing it out because it helps me process it, so I don’t make a mistake.

We have plenty of everything. We lack nothing. Mom came in last night. She’s here to meet our little guy when he comes. He’s already 8 days late and they’ll let him go until 2 weeks I think. I don’t mind how long he takes, just so he’s ok in there.

Mary Helen from church said her second born was 1 month overdue. Mom said last night that most of her friend Katey Warton’s babies were 10 month babies, too. So what do I know? All I want is a healthy baby. Everything else is ok.


“When you relied on the Lord, he delivered them into your hand.” (2 Chronicles 16:8)

Nelson’s journal 2/9/22

While tackling each day, all of them overloaded, Nelson has one thing in the front of in his mind: finding more room for God in his life. As he takes Step One toward becoming an electrician, he is “mostly confident” he’s doing the right thing. But there are other questions swirling around in his head, too, like what name to give their baby boy when he arrives.


February 9, 2022

Jesus turned water into wine in John 2. It’s what I’ve been reading in my morning quiet times. I extended it, and Annso and I added a Sunday night prayer time to our week in an effort to make space for God to speak and to move. Making space for God, less for everything else.

Tomorrow I start work for Tim in an effort to become an electrician or at least just to follow the leading of God. It’s not even important, so far as I can tell, to know the outcome of the move, just to do the next right thing. I am mostly confident that starting work for him to learn the basics of wiring a house is “the next right thing.”

I’m a little scared to put myself under a “boss” with a start and finish time. I feel a little like the children of Israel asking for a king. “We want what the other nations have!” And they got what they wanted. Well, I’ll try it out anyway and trust you, Lord, with the balance. All we have is today.

Lord, I am so grateful for new things and that your leadings never really take the same shape. We are excited for our little baby, and I’m excited to be stretched in some ways. There is probably nothing worse for us humans than stagnation. I pray we would never get entitled or stagnant in our faith.

Thank you for leading us on. We don’t know the destination, but we know you are Who we want. I pray for wisdom like the older set prayed for us last night at the Tuesday meeting. I pray for wisdom and for tender hearts.

Thank you for our little boy who is coming into the world. I pray for a good name for him that we both like. I was wanting Willard Nelson Nyman out of respect for Papa, but Annso isn’t sure. Anyway, last night we came across Noah Nelson Nyman, which has a nice ring to it. I can get down with that.

I pray for a good name for him, Lord, but more, I pray for a ‘good name’ as your word tells it, meaning the reputation he’ll have. I’m thankful for the improved reputation I have after all those years of craziness. You changed everything, and I’m thankful for it.

I would like to pray about what to do with the extenders here with us in ywam. What can we do to value them, but not have anyone come to a place of entitlement? Should we cap the ‘time-in-a-row’ a person can live at Hale Ola? Should we move people to different rooms? Different buildings?

I pray also for young moms Annso can be friends with, once little Nel comes into the world. I pray that she would meet and like some women who are not in ywam or trying to advance their own kingdoms. I pray she could link up with girls who love you, Lord, so they can sharpen each other.


“I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” (Psalm 32:8)