Surprise Party

All of you blog readers know I pray for you daily. God seems to supply different requests on different days, and I fully believe as these prayers reach him, he turns around and customizes the answers toward your specific needs. After I write the blog each day, which often takes a couple of hours, I re-read it, which makes me a blog reader, too.

Cyberspace is a strange place. In the last year or more you’ve learned more than you ever wanted to know about me, but I know very little about you. My son-in-law Adam, who shepherds this web site, tells me 317 of you are subscribers, with many more visiting the site each day. I can’t even imagine who you all are, and I don’t have access to a list of your names. (As you subscribe, your privacy is preserved.) You are what I call “cyber-surprises.”

Praying for you has given me two other cyber-surprises:

1. I’ve gained a better understanding of God’s ability to be active in every person’s life every day.

2. Though I don’t have details about the lives he brings to my attention each day, he applies my prayer to them.

It’s a zooming-out and a zooming-in. God is teaching me to think larger than my known world while simultaneously reminding me he’s got one-on-one intimacy with each of us. When I try to make sense of this, smoke comes from my ears, but of one thing I’m sure: your presence at this web site is a thrilling cyber-surprise to me.

Today I thought back to the 42 days of Nate’s cancer. When we were swamped with phone calls, emails and notes from people asking what was happening with him, this blog answered that need. It delivered the requested information without taking us away from Nate. There just wasn’t time to do it any other way.

Sadly, there still isn’t time. No one at my house is terminally ill, but neither you nor I have enough time to meet with or have lengthy conversations with each other. While I was praying for you this morning, feeling frustrated over the one-way-ness of a blog site, God gave me an energizing thought.

In the hereafter, we’ll meet. God is planning a cyber-surprise party for us that he’ll transform into a just-plain-party! And we can celebrate togetherness throughout eternity. You’ve already “met” me, but I’ll get to meet you at the party, and you’ll get to meet the other blog readers. We’ll have the fun of looking into each other’s faces, hearing each other’s voices and chatting about our earthly histories. This will be a blessing the likes of which we can’t yet appreciate, one of the endless goodies God is preparing for us.

By the way, because you already know everything about me, when we get to God’s party, I’ll expect you to do all the talking.

You are members of God’s family.” (Ephesians 2:19b)

16 thoughts on “Surprise Party

  1. My mother told me long ago that I was a chatter-box….always asking her “What’s next?” “Then what are we going to do?” She said that I called the telephone the “fun-a-hole.” As I have grown much older, the “fun-a-hole” is still one of my favorite communication tools. I love your heart & expressions Margaret. The one fun thing about heaven is we won’t have to worry about understanding people with foreign languages!!! Especially people like me who live in the south. Bless you.

  2. I’ve always thought that heaven will be like a great big “slumber party” — though with not much sleep (but was there EVER sleep at a slumber party??). I know we’ll be spending eternity praising Jesus and God, but I’m pretty sure, like you just said, Margaret, we’ll have lots of “fellowship-ing” going on. I, for one, am particularly looking forward to meeting the lady named JoAnn Parrott whose mom said she was a chatterbox when she was little.
    That’s just SO perfect!!! (JoAnn, I’m curious if that is your maiden or married name!) Anyhow, see y’all in heaven!!

  3. A friend sent me this link as my husband has been chronically ill for sometime. Your blogs have helped me immensely. Thank you for your words of wisdom.

  4. It would be so much fun to get together here on earth,but wow,what a party we will have in heaven.Thankfully we will have an eternity to do this,as there are so many people I want to see and talk to.Worshiping at God’s throne will take first priority and then time with my husband,but there will lots of time still to meet all my friends.Until then we meet here and I know,I receive blessings through the blog.

  5. I am in the process of reading a book by Randy Alcorn called “Heaven.” In it he describes how we will have the very reunions you speak of. After all our God is all about relationships. Ours to Him and then ours to each other. Oh what a day that will be.

  6. Thank you for your prayers. I know the days when someone is praying. I have lost the “prayer warriors” to Heavens gain and am reminded that their prayers continue to be answered even though they are gone. Everyday I ask the Lord to set on my heart one of the individuals that contribute to this blog. Can you even imagine the answered prayers of 300 some blog readers. Sends goosebumps …. I challenge all of us bloggers to pray for each other.

  7. Good Morning, Margaret – you always bless my heart with your blog. I think a GTT blog party on earth in 2011 would be a way to experience a little heaven on earth.


  8. Nancy, I thank you for that reminder that the prayers of those who addressed God in the past are not gone and forgotten – they are make up the incense filling those golden bowls held by the 24 elders whose thrones surround the Almighty in heaven. Just as that incense was kept burning continuously night and day in God’s holy temple in Jerusalem, so God is still “hearing” and aware of every prayer we have ever prayed, and that of all those who have prayed for us, and He is actively in process of fulfilling all those prayers made in His will, each in its time. How comforting to think of my godly mother’s prayers still on-going to God in my behalf – that feels like her arms around me still though she has been gone many years. And all the prayers I have prayed for my children and my friends – they are still rising up before God as a sweet perfume that He delights in. Our Heavenyly Father never ever forgets any of our prayers!

  9. What a great reminder to keep praying, even though we don’t see immediate answers. God has a wonderful plan and purpose to every detail.

  10. Thank you Margaret for your wonderful insights day by day. I was referred to your blog by a friend at church, as my husband passed away very suddently in May 2010. You have been a great encouragement. God uses you mightily to help so many of us gain God’s larger perspective. I look forward to meeting you in heaven (if not before)!

  11. Thanks for writing, thanks for praying, we all need a huge support group just like God had Aaron ministering to Moses, and the Levites ministering to the priests, etc. My husband passed away suddenly nearly 3 years ago – I was 56 and still have a high school aged daughter at home.

  12. AMEN! I’m actually somewhat jealous of all the reunions going on right now – can we even begin to imagine the glory? The laughter? The overwhelming joy? The discovery of all the prayers that have been offered up on our behalf? How marvelous! how wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How Marvelous! how wonderful! Is my Savior’s love for me!

  13. Thank you for your prayers, Midge; what a HALLELEUJAH time well have!!
    Blessings back to you and keep up the ‘blog’ – you do a wonderful job!

  14. You are such a blessing. We stay in touch with Nelson and feel a part of your family. If you ever have time and could come to Texas we would love to have you visit us. Blessings to you and all your loved ones! Rick and Debbie Crady (Jeremy’s parents)