Light Bulbs and Sparklers

Here in Michigan we’ve been learning to live without the internet, which has been “down” since Friday at about midnight. After a violent, twisty summer storm ripped through the area, we considered ourselves fortunate to be left with some electrical power when so many had none. Adam posted my Friday blog from Florida, and I figured by the next day we’d be back on the www.

But new storms rushed across Lake Michigan with fresh fury, and finally we, too, lost all power.

Although it was difficult to be without fans during hot weather, the worst part of “going dark” was being unable to connect with you, my blog readers. You’ve been on my mind every hour during these last four days. The strange separation between us, after 288 days of communing via the blog, seemed to lay a mantle of heaviness over me.

You are precious to me. Last September, when I posted my first blog about Nate’s terminal cancer, you jumped onto that emotional roller coaster with me and helped me hang on tight. You traveled with me through 42 days of escalating disease and the excruciating death scene of my beloved husband. And you encouraged me faithfully when I stepped into widowhood and began that unwanted passage.

When I “lost” you last Friday, I felt terrible.

Our internet and electrical power jumped back to life an hour ago as I’m writing this, and even as our household was hooray-ing over lights and fans coming to life again, my thoughts raced toward you and

A wild electrical storm is a damaging thing, but all of us go through them. Babies startle with claps of thunder, and dogs get nervous. The rest of us race through the house slamming windows, hoping a tree limb won’t come down on the house. For the most part, though, all of us make it through, in tact.

Summer electrical storms are nothing, however, compared with the storms of life we experience that have no thunder or lightning, the internal storms. One of these left me without my husband and left my children without their father. For all of us, the power sparked and died last November. A great deal of life went black.

Since then we’ve suffered through a secondary wave of storms as we’ve tried to move forward without the man we all loved. The power has shut down again and again as we’ve tried to adjust. But just as the electrical power was restored tonight after the winds and rains calmed and lines had been repaired, our relationships with Nate will be fixed one day, too. The power will return between him and all of us with a vibrancy even the best earthly relationship can’t know. It’ll be the difference between a light bulb and a sparkler.

While we wait, I’ve been able to enjoy lively relationships with all of you. My readers have been like a giant bouquet of shining bulbs to me, providing light on what would have been a much darker path without you. Please receive my most enthusiastic gratitude!

Tonight our forecast is for more storms. But even if the power shuts down, I know with certainty the tempest will pass… as all storms do, both visible and invisible. Even as we’ll hear thunder and see lightning, I’ll be thinking of how one day all of us will shine!

“Each one will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a parched land.” (Isaiah 32:2)

19 thoughts on “Light Bulbs and Sparklers

  1. So happy your electricity has been retored. I have so missed your daily blogs. You have no idea what this site means to me. It truly is anchor in the storms of my own life. God bless and enjoy your lights and fans!!

  2. Indeed, u have been missed!! I continue to read daily, and sincerely missed u when u were gone. Thank u for ur faithfulness!

  3. Margaret,
    I love reading your “blog” no matter where I am. It is especially more meaningful after the loss of my brother-in-law, Paul Dominik. Brother-in-law does not even begin to cover how I felt and feel about this wonderful man. My sister, Becky, is so blessed to have a wonderful friend like you who was recently touched by the loss of her beloved husband.

  4. WOW! Do you really have a blog-book? That’s great! Did you make them for your family or do you have ones that blog-fans can purchase? It would be nice to have your blogs in hard copy. It looks like that one just goes up to November though – I’d be willing to wait for the “extended-read” version. It IS good to have you back on-line!

  5. Praise the Lord – you’re back on line. I missed my daily Margaret ‘fix’. Jesus was able to say to the storm, “Peace, be still.” And yet, he had Peter step out of the boat and into the dark in faith. Sometimes the storm is stilled, and other times we are to keep walking on the wild water while keeping our eyes on Jesus.

  6. Good to have you back online, Midge. I can relate to the situation…going through hurricanes in Fla. with three little ones. I loved what Martye had to say…so true! God bless!

  7. Missed you as did otherst. But God was faithful to care for you and bring you back on line.
    I know, just as we look forward to hearing how you are doing, this blog is a blessing to you. Your ability to express your life situation is healing I am sure.
    And I have several widowed friends that I have given your blog print outs to that are being blessed as well.
    So grateful for the gift and training the Lord gave you to express yourself in such a wonderful word picture way that we can actually “see” and relate.
    God bless this day for you and Bruce & I send our love and prayers.

  8. Praise God for His protection over your home, your neighborhood, and all of you. You and your children were in our thoughts and prayers during this first Father’s Day weekend without Nate. I’m so glad most of you could be together at this time.

  9. Fantastic to have your blogs back!! I’ve missed them indeed. Thank you for your, as ever, inspiring words and prayers. Blessed indeed!Love the notebook, but, as I’ve said before, a book would be superb! God bless you Margaret, you are so doing the ‘right’ thing by writing this blog, God meant it to be! Much love across the pond xxx

  10. Glad you’re back, Margaret!
    I’m curious as well about the spiral book. Cathy had the sharp eye to notice the dates on it. You’ll have to explain what that is all about!
    The Lord has brought a variety of people in and out throughout the writing of your blog- some commenters consistently there from the beginning, others coming in waves. God nudges His people to be “Jesus with skin on” and to come alongside for different parts of the journey. I am glad each reader has been part of God’s instrument bag to help you move forward, just as we have all been strengthened and challenged by you.

  11. I’ve checked your blog every day, hoping it would be back. It is part of my daily prayers. Glad to meet with you again on the www!

  12. Like all the other comments above I add, my AMEN. I missed new entries from you and went back to read old ones that became new again with God’s insight. Storms bring greener grass, vibrant flowers that stand tall instead of droopy, and a freshness to the air. Life storms bring new meaning to life and hopefully with them a new hope, faith, love and thankfullness.

    A book? Would you autograph it for me?

  13. One of my worst fears has been being stranded (desert island? airport terminal? basement in a tornado?) without something to read. Words are such connective tissue that keeps us related, to even someone long gone. So I can only imagine the keen loss of all your someones on the other end of your daily thoughts. One of things I’m looking forward to in heaven (besides all the obvious ones) is having time to read every book that’s ever been written! Reading yours each day has been like a foretaste of that…like God saying, “Here’s one you don’t have to wait for. ENJOY!” And I do!

  14. Welcome back! Missed you. Getting through Father’s Day is an accomplishment. Imagine–no loneliness in heaven. I’m ready for that! Love you.

  15. You’re back. Hooray! I’ve been craving my daily “Marni fix.” See you soon!

  16. Hooray!!! You are back! I admit that your blog is the first thing I read every morning, actually while lying in bed. I have a routine, which now dates back to last September: the alarm goes off, I roll over, check my blackberry, open the blog, read, pray. I am then able to start my day. I have missed you + the blog for the last few days + am SO glad you are back!

    Is the blog book available?!?!

  17. I remain amazed at your ability to draw the analogy from our every day experiences…I relate to the “power shutting down” for me over the loss of my husband – time and time again…and love the thought of the power connection being turned on permanently in time to come. Am glad you’re back! Thanks for sharing yourself!

  18. Marni, so glad you’re back on line. have been praying for both you and the Dominicks this past weekend. I thought how appropriate that god would allow the lights to go out over your first Fathers day without Nate. Instead of seeking to minister to us with your blog He ministered to you and the kids and gave you time just like last fall to just be family together. Love you and so glad you are back

  19. Hi Marnie; You were with out electrical power and I was one month away from Becky’s wedding. How time flies! So now I am slowly catching up with you and all the happenings in you life since July! I was blessed that you feel so connected to your readers. I actually hadn’t thought much about how you see us, so from me to you thank you!