Nelson’s Journal, 11/2/22

Nelson reports on another difficult night but finds joy in it, too.


November 2, 22022

6:30 am

Grateful to be alive. One of the longest nights in a while, but it was fun. Annso and I sat up and talked for a couple hours at midnight, talking about our house and how we are going to set it up. That was the fun part.

The rest of it was spent tossing and turning and changing from one sweated-through shirt to another. Now the night is over and I’m glad, to be honest.

We went over to our house to make sure the one departing tenant was out yesterday. He was still there with some buddies last night, but they had made some progress. It’s a lot of work, to be honest.

He has stuff everywhere. Seems like he’s a pack rat. Has 3 of everything, but he’s super nice. I’m happy he’ll be out today. We can get in there and try to replace the living room floor and sand the one in the bedroom. If we could do that, I would be super happy.

Upon further examination of the house, though, I can see I’ll have to reign in my goals a little and settle for something along the lines of painting and maybe cutting out 1 door from the sunroom into the kitchen. The renter did get his stuff mostly out tonight and told me he’d come back tomorrow one last time for the rest of it.

He’s got a ton of stuff, and I’m impressed that he was able to get it all cleaned up and out as fast as he did. He’s a good man, and I hope God blesses him for trying to make good on his commitment to be out when he said.

We went over to Home Depot for about an hour to stock up on supplies for painting, to the tune of $700. It’s enough for us to get started at least, and now Ralph and Astrid can get going, which they are more than willing to do.

I pray about their serving attitudes and hope we can get the place in good enough shape by the time we move in.


“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us.” (Psalm 90:17)

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