Nelson’s Journal, 10/25/22

Nelson seems discouraged in this entry, understandingly, but still lands on a reason to be grateful.


October 25, 2022

Tomorrow we close on our house. I’m so excited, something I never thought would happen… Annso and I, getting a house with some rental units in it like we prayed for. But first, I have a small problem of some kind in my left lung.

I hope it’s nothing super big, but it could be like the sepsis I had before. Fluid hiding an infection. I came home after having it removed and nearly died at the ICU later that same evening.

I pray that you would keep me from getting infected, Lord. I pray that my lungs would be clean and clear of infection and it would be nothing more than a fluid build-up that can be easily drained.

I pray you would give the doc the wisdom he/she needs to make the right choices to get this thing straightened out. Amen.

I’m so thankful for Ann Sophie. She left me a note this morning telling me how glad she is to be married to me and how strong I am. She said she wants to be my support. For me, I don’t know about most men, but that’s what I want more than anything. Having her with me, raising little Will, is the biggest dream come true I’ve ever had.

Sitting here at 5 pm, and my energy level is just sapped. My back hurts so bad, and I have a slight fever. This stuff just never seems to quit. I am hoping for another stint of health and energy while we are in our house for the 2 weeks when we have the apartment and the house at the same time.

What a miracle this is working out like it is. When we got here back here in May, I never would have believed you if you told me we would buy a house when the 6 month lease was up.

It’s amazing how the way you feel dictates so much in life. I can hardly get through the day feeling like this, and Annso, Ralph, and Astrid feel great, eat massive meals, and go on hikes. I can barely muster the strength to walk around a large block, but I’m glad I can even do that.

There’s always the feeling that I have some looming infection or problem and that I’ll get really sick. But for now, it hasn’t happened, and for that, I’m grateful.


“My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)

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