A Good Deal

Many people say the human race is basically good. Though the Bible says otherwise, I do believe we’re all born with a desire to love and be loved, so maybe we could call that a bit of goodness.

Karl.Both bad and good are evident in young children as they play, snatching toys one minute and planting kisses the next. But because I believe each child is personally created by God, and because God is love, even babies know when someone loves them. They feel it through touch, voice, warmth, full tummies, and quiet environments.

My sister Mary has 9 grandchildren (Karl, left, is one of them), and so do I. We love all 18 of them and try to stay current with each one. Their 18 birthdays are on both of our calendars, and we pray regularly for them. Despite all that, though, most of our grands live far away from us and each other, which means the youngest tend to forget between visits, especially who the great aunt is.

But then there’s that beautiful moment when they finally remember.

???????????????????????????????Last weekend it happened to me with 5 year old Karl. We’d just celebrated his birthday and were all outside playing when suddenly he bounded up the porch steps and plunked down at my side, leaning into me for an extended cuddle with his head pressed against my cheek.

While nuzzling me like a contended kitty he said, “You’re a perfect ‘nother grandma that I will love, too!”

He grabbed my arm and held it tightly around him for quite some time. Those witnessing this got a kick out of it as much as I did, and his papa, Luke, snapped a picture. It was an example of love rising to the surface and bubbling over.

Thinking of this in relation to God, it’s astounding that he “bubbles over” with love for each of us much like little Karl did for me. There’s only one difference: with God it isn’t just an occasionally-inspired moment but the theme of his existence. And when You are love, You love every second.

If I had responded coolly to Karl, nudging him away, he would have been hurt, and our budding relationship would have suffered a set-back. The same holds true with the Lord. He’s longing to show love in countless ways, but we often prefer him to be an arm’s length away. I don’t know if this wounds him, but surely it’s a relationship set-back.

KarlAs for Karl, I don’t know if he’ll remember the tender moment we shared when I see him next, but if he doesn’t, I plan on reminding him, so we can pick up right where we left off.

“God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5)


Praising and Praying with Mary

  1. Thanking God that the wave of nausea after infusion #3 has finally subsided.
  2. Thanking God for my prayer groups and the strong friendships linked through prayer.
  3. Please pray I will have an attitude of gratitude for the many blessings in my life.

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