Party Time

Night skyGod gives each of his children gifts, everything from a new day to a good night’s sleep. He gives relationship gifts like love and harmony, and physical gifts like homes, food, and security. He gives the gifts of opportunity, confidence, and freedom. He gives providential meetings, coincidences, and something we call happenstance. And there are others.

He also gives spiritual gifts, at least one to each of us. When we dedicate them to his purposes, he usually gives us more.

My sister Mary has used her spiritual gifts to benefit others, and as a result she’s been given many, one of which is hospitality. For as long as I can remember she’s been the hostess-with-the-mostess, happy to welcome people in. Her hospitality also goes out, in the form of food, flowers, gifts, and hours of service to anyone in need. Whenever a list is circulated asking for sign-ups, Mary’s name is on it.

Dinner...One of her (and Bervin’s) regular in-house gigs has been to invite their own grown-and-gone children back for dinner once a week. Naturally those living at a distance can’t make it, but for all those local, the welcome mat is out. Table talk is lively, and the evening ends with group games. The single guys appreciate a well-balanced meal, and the girls profit from watching a pro at work.

Several of my Chicago-based grown children have been on that regular guest list too, and I’ve appreciated Mary’s extra motherly care of them from my post in Michigan.

Catch PhraseThe week Mary was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer (mid-February), this group of 20-and-30-somethings had come over as usual, gobbling up pork roast, scalloped potatoes, asparagus, corn, tossed salad, and apple pie. Afterwards it was girls-against-the-boys playing the word game “Catch Phrase,” and Mary participated with her usual enthusiasm. That dinner, though, was her last hostessing for a while, since her focus was then pulled to hospitals, doctors, tests, and surgery.

Yesterday, thankful to be back in her own Chicago kitchen and feeling a bit better, Mary hosted a dinner for this same group of “kids”.

Dinner timeWhen I asked if she might be overdoing it she said, “It was so much fun setting the table again.” Not too many post-op patients are willing to make a meal for 10 big eaters. In God’s economy, however, when we use our gifts, we experience delight, not drudgery. Mary couldn’t wait to get at it.

photo(110)The guests ate heartily of Mary’s spaghetti casserole, but of course Mary didn’t get even one bite. Surely it’s difficult cooking for others without sampling, especially when your taste buds are calling loudly. But her body can only handle liquids by mouth and formula by feeding tube (see back pack). If all goes well, next week she might be given permission to introduce soft foods to her personal menu,

maybe even a bit of spaghetti casserole….. after it’s been enhanced by a blender.

“Be… hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.” (Titus 1:8)

Mary’s Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for weight gain (still stuck at 109)
  2. Pray for Mary to “fix her eyes on Jesus” more and more
  3. Praise for the blessing of Moody Church (and its radio broadcast this morning)
  4. Praise for a good weekend visit with Marta and her safe travel from Arkansas and back

9 thoughts on “Party Time

  1. I praise God that Mary and Bervin are back at home, with their family! It is an honor to pray for them.

  2. It is so good to kow that you, Mary and Berv are home. It was a joy to my heart to see your picture sitting at the table with your family. Hopefully, soon you will be able to eat with them. I was working on music for this CBS Monday and Tuesday meetings. The leadership is going to sing “They’ll Know We are Christians by our love” This song reminds me of you and the love you have shared with so many of us over the years and the example that you have been. It is our prayer for you that you will soon be on the mend enough to be out and about. I think that spring might be coming soon?? Hope to see you in Bethany soon. Love you, Sonja

  3. I miss eating at Mario’s with Mary…not sure putting chicken Parm in a blender would taste good. Will continue to pray for weight gain and healing…Lots of love!

  4. Great news that Mary and Berlin is home in Chicago again. Last summer when we stayed with them they had this meal for the kids and it was awesome to just spend time with family.

  5. Only one in a million would resume such vigorous hospitality while still in their own medical crisis! Mary is that one in a million –truly reflecting Christ in her actions. Blessings to Mary and family. Prayers for continued healing and more ounces and pounds!

  6. Just an unknown person who rejoices with this beautiful family as they gather together with grateful hearts also rejoicing that their loved mother and aunt have returned.

    May the glory of The Lord be upon each one of you
    And may He bless the work of your hands,
    As you commit your ways to Him!
    In Jesus powerful and precious name.

    Peggy Dau. ( formerly from CLA)

  7. These photos speak of the healing that continues in Mary’s body. She will be ready for Resurrection Morning and Mother’s Day. Great is Our God !! She continues to Serve Her Risen Savior! ~ <3 Healing Hugs for my dear friend.

  8. It is so good to see Mary and Berv back doing the things they love and having family to share together. May God continue to bless them with all with all of His goodness!

  9. So delighted to hear Mary and husband are back home and she is doing so well.
    May I suggest she try the ‘whole raw fresh fruit/vegetable’ meals, even one a day 3 – 4 days a week would be adequate at this point, blending to ‘liquid’ any combination she chooses; A handful or two of kale, or spinach, 1 apple, 2 stalks celery, maybe some yogurt, 5 or 6 baby carrots, with either some purified water or milk, couple tblsps honey or Agave Nectar.
    This makes a thick, (drink slowly) satisfying, tasty shake. She could even put ice cream in it – or frozen yogurt….to put on a little weight. this is so healing to the body, energizing…and if she can take the powered protein..put some of that in there.
    Pleasing to the taste-buds too, and helps the hunger pains.
    Hope it works for her. God bless!