
My faithful dog Jack has stuck close to me since Nate died. Because Linnea and Adam invited him, and because he’s a champion traveler, we brought him with us on our road trip to Florida. We’ve always labeled him “the perfect dog,” and he’s lived up to that on this trip, fitting easily into our new routine in a strange place. Although there are three dogs fenced in a yard just a stone’s throw away, Jack hasn’t left our property even once to investigate. I’ve been very proud of him, rewarding him with twice the amount of Milk Bones as usual.

Jack and one year old Skylar make a perfect pair. She walks around eating, and he follows behind, nibbling on what she drops. I showed her how to put a dog bone in her pocket, and Jack, who’s as tall as she is, trots around next to her with hope in his heart. When Jack rolls upside-down on the grass, waving all four legs in the air, Skylar points and says, “Happy dance.” She’s right. Jack is glad to be here.

Today I rounded the counter in the kitchen and found Skylar standing inside the refrigerator’s open door, eating shredded cheese from a plate at her eye level. Jack was next to her, awaiting the inevitable fall-out. His point of view is that even if nothing visible comes his way, she’ll still smell like food, which constitutes a treat, too.

Jack understands that Skylar isn’t as physically capable as adults and has learned to dodge around her when chasing his squeaky toy in the yard. When she walks past him during his nap, he cracks one eye and braces himself, just in case. If she steps on his paw or tail, he doesn’t move. This is what good pals do. They make allowances for mistakes and don’t hold them against each other.

When Jack comes out of my bedroom in the morning, Skylar greets him with a tender, “Oh, Jackie…” and he receives it with a wag. He runs off with Skylar’s special lambie once in a while, but she doesn’t mind. Instead she shares what Jack has, using his water bowl to wash her hands. Jack eats his “cereal” while she eats hers, and they take naps at the same time.

Kids and dogs. They go together. Both give love with abandon and expect the other to be there for them, regardless of performance. Skylar doesn’t mind when Jack smells like a dog, and Jack doesn’t mind when Skylar fills her diaper. As a matter of fact, he loves her more for it and relishes being on hand at changing time.

There are no politics behind this friendship, never a thought of tit-for-tat. Skylar pauses while Jack sniffs her from head to toe every so often, and Jack waits patiently while Skylar picks the grass off his back after the happy dance. It’s all about enjoying each other with an emphasis on giving rather than taking.

We could take a lesson. In human-to-human relationships, we insist things be reciprocal. You do for me, and I’ll do for you. If things get lopsided, it falls apart. This seems to be true in marriages, business partnerships, acquaintances and everyday friendships. Loyalty is conditional, devotion non-existent.

Jesus was the perfect model of loyalty and devotion in the most lopsided relationship on earth: him with us. He did all the giving, and we did all the receiving. Interestingly, when we realize this and want to give back to him, his “how-to” instruction is to remain loyal and devoted in our human-to-human relationships, even when they get lopsided to our disadvantage.

Skylar and Jack have it made. They’ve already figured this out. Just be sure to check her pockets for dog biscuits before doing the wash.

”Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3)

10 thoughts on “Friendship

  1. That’s a nice post, Mom. The humble ones display the most truly valuable character traits simply by being themselves.

  2. This fridge photo could easily win a prize, if submitted. Your daily writings, with Scripture and photos, are really appreciated. A cute title, for one of your future books, could be “Diapers and Dog Biscuits”.

  3. Lots of good things to think about – just being ourselves, and loving and accepting others. Thanks, Margaret!

  4. Great entry today, Margaret. The pictures themselves reveal the quiet contentment that comes with getting along and taking the good with the bad. There’s a lot to be learned from dogs and toddlers.
    Thought provoking to consider that the way Jesus wants us to give to Him, is to go horizontal. I stumbled upon yet another example of His total graciousness when cross-referencing a Bible study. In Luke 22:28 Jesus more than generously praises His disciples as “those who have stood by Me in My trials.” What a nice thing to say until realizing the comment is sandwiched in between two less than stellar demonstrations of character, and then the pronouncement is staggering. Just prior they are all bickering about who is the greatest, and in just a few hours following, they were all going to run for their lives and ditch Him. Yes, indeed, quite the example of selfless, loyal men, huh? Jesus always seemed to exude patient, kind, unprovoked, hopeful love. He overlooked what they were and was looking ahead to what they would be. Who among us can be like that?? Yet, He is like that toward us, always speaking vision into our lives, never turning His back no matter what.
    Just a few verses later, after Peter denies Him, verse 61 of that same chapter says that the “Lord turned and looked at Peter.” I think that was a great kindness on Jesus’ part to look at him. It signaled redemption and restoration to turn His face to Peter and not His back- it said we’re going to get this repaired. Quite a contrast to 2 Thessalonians 1:9 where those who reject salvation in Christ will “pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord.” That word presence is stunning in that it means the part toward the eyes. Where Jesus turned His eyes to lock in with Peter’s, He will turn His eyes away from those who refuse His salvation, and redemption and restoration will be impossible at that point.
    “Lord, make us more like Skylar and Jack, who daily overlook grievances and turn their eyes toward each other and not their back.”
    Thanks Margaret for a great meditation.

  5. This is a wonderful post- one with which I can certainly relate to on some level. Our new puppy Scout has been a wonderful companion to me as we tread new ground, in a new home, with new jobs in Wheaton. She is also the perfect pet, in that she just seems to “get it.” I am thankful for her & smile often as she follows me from room to room making sure that I am ok & wondering what is next for her and me..

    Love to you!

  6. You’ve given me yet another new word picture of Jesus saying..”Remain in me..” We are in Jos, Nigeria, with our Christian family, who are under severe hardships and persecution…and studying John 15! The picture of munching Sky, open fridge, and hopeful Jack brings the whole “remaining” concept into great focus. Isn’t it funny that one command we gives dogs so often is “Stay”? It’s the one thing they innately know so well….if only we could learn the same with Jesus. That’s all He wants, too…just stay, follow, enjoy Me…and there WILL be fruit!

  7. I love this (of course)! 🙂 It’s so great how simple their relationship is but still one of the best.