Threescore and Ten

Today my sister Mary turned 70. Although she and Bervin were in Minnesota, I was thankful for the phone conversation we were able to have about this special day. Time on the phone was no small favor, since her loving, loyal children all checked in with her, too, making extra chat-time hard to come by.

My only question was, “How do you feel about turning 70?”

MaryBased on Scripture’s verse about a good length of life being threescore and ten years, her immediate response was, “As of today, I’ve had my allotted 70 years, so anything after this is a bonus. My overarching emotion is gratitude for the years I’ve had.”

She talked about the high quality examples in the generation ahead of us, our parents, aunts, and uncles. “They all got old, but none of them got old-and-crotchety. They didn’t complain but instead did a great job modeling how to positively handle aging.”

She talked about the skill of counting blessings. “It isn’t easy when life seems to be falling apart, but the Bible tells us to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances. It’s a mandate for us to dwell on the positive. God has been good to me, but he is good to everyone,” she said. “And he wants us to watch for his goodness.”

Mary and I have weathered a number of setbacks together, and I know she’s had reasons to worry during the night. But as she reminded me today, it’s best if we don’t brood too long over the hard times but choose instead to look for marks of God’s involvement. “They’re always there.”

Of course we couldn’t talk about turning 70 without touching on the physical losses. She said, “Yesterday we were watching little kids sled down snowy hills with abandon. I had to admit those days are over for me. But we oldsters get nearly as much pleasure from watching them as they get from sledding.” In other words, it’s not a bad thing to act our age. “I’ve decided I’m not going to dwell on all the things I can’t do, but all the things I still can.”

Then she added, “As the years go by, I know the aches and pains will begin piling up, and we have all that ahead of us. But we also have God’s promise that we won’t go through any of it alone. I agree with that blog post back in 2009 (Flashlight or Floodlight?) that it’s best if we don’t know what’s coming,” she said. “Worrying about tomorrow can subtract the happiness from today. It’s not wise to look too far down the road.”

Happy Birthday!Amen to that.

“All glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.” (Jude 1:24)


11 thoughts on “Threescore and Ten

  1. Happy Birthday, Mary and thank you to both of you for the reminder to look at what we can instead of cannot!

  2. I have always admired Mary’s positivity, compassion, faithfulness, and abundant living. Those qualities have no age limit. Mary, I wish you God’s continued blessing as you no doubt continue to bless others! Happy birthday!

  3. I love this! Mary is one of the most genuine, godly women I’ve ever met. I hope she had a great birthday. Love you Mary!

  4. Mary is also a dear friend, and my prayer, for her, is that she remains on Earth, actively working for the Lord, just like her dear Momma. Mary is a beautiful woman, inside and out.

  5. Mary is truly the Proverbs 31 woman, a beautiful example to follow! In her Christ-likeness she is generous, wise, fun and loving to all. I have long admired her and she is a treasured friend. Wishing her abundant blessings now and always with love…

  6. Happy Birthday, Mary!! Marni, how blessed you have been to have spent a lifetime with such a wonderful, godly sister!

  7. May I also add my good wishes to Mary, who has been such a good friend to journey through life with. Professionally, in parenting, being neighbors, spiritually, how much of the daily walk we have enjoyed together. Her faith has always been a hallmark of our times together and what a prayer partner she has been. May we all reach three score and ten as graciously as she has.