Looking Back?

A quiet evening home alone on New Year’s Eve? Perfect.

A lovely light

As my cottage emptied out tonight and no one but the small fry remained (asleep), I lit some candles and sat by the light of the Christmas tree along with a beautiful cd of orchestra and choir music. It seemed like a good idea to let God choose my thoughts as 2012 ticked toward its end.

Each year on December 31st it seems logical to look back at the year’s low- and high-lights, searching for God’s blessing. So that’s how I assumed he would lead my thoughts. Or maybe he’d remind me of the biggest events of the year past: engagements, weddings, funerals, pregnancies, births, my book.

But as I sat meditating on the scriptural messages coming through the music, the Lord wasn’t leading me to look back through 2012 at all. Instead he wanted me to look at him:


  • Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty, only Thou art holy!
  • What is man that you are mindful of him?
  • Lord, have mercy, for I have placed all my hopes in Thee.
  • There is none beside Thee, perfect in power, in love, and purity.
  • Jesus, Rock of Ages, I hide myself in Thee.
  • Great is Thy faithfulness O God my Father!
  • Morning by morning new mercies I see.
  • To God be the glory!

One after another the marvelous messages came, solidifying my resolve to use 2013 as focus-time toward Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Regardless of what’s happened in the “overfull” year just past, my every tomorrow will be anchored in the heavenlies rather than the “earthlies.” I want to attach myself to the Three-in-One, knowing they will do and be as they always have, bringing stability, peace, and hope.

This year I want to take God at his Word(s) to a greater extreme and trust him more radically than ever before so that by December of 2013, I’ll have seen him more clearly and understood him better than I currently do in December of 2012.

Charmed by Emerald

Tonight, when Emerald and Birgitta came home, I looked at this 10 week old baby and thought, “Last December we knew nothing about her, but here she is, along with the many changes she’s brought along with her. And Emerald is only one example of how different life can become between Decembers.

So, what’s coming in 2013? In a year, we’ll know.

In the mean time, Birgitta, Emerald, and I brought in the new year in conversation with God, knowing the only wise place to spend 2013 is in partnership with him. As tonight’s music so beautifully sang, “All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.”

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!” (Isaiah 43:16)

10 thoughts on “Looking Back?

  1. Although another year has come and gone I can look back and see the faithfulness of God in the highs and lows of the past year.Praise His Name! Looking forward to a New Year of your encouragement. May the Lord Bless you.Thanks for sharing all your heart with us. We love you and hope to meet you in person one day.

  2. Beautiful post. As the new year begins I want to tell you again how much your friendship and your blog mean to us. May God continue to guide you and your family in 2013.

  3. Another super post, Margaret. Well done and thank you. I hope this new year goes well for you all. Love from England

  4. Wonderful thoughts for January 1, Margaret. Thank you. And I love the Isaiah verse, for God is always doing new things In and through us. Amazing! I pray for his richest blessings for you and yours this year!

  5. Happy New Year Margaret! Thank you again for this blog site. You have no idea how much I look forward to to it every day. God bless you!

  6. Happy New Year, Margaret! Thank you for all the encouragement and for your transparency in 2012. Looking forward to God’s leading in 2013.

  7. Dear Margaret,
    God used that verse in Isaiah in the middle of a very confusing summer to draw my eyes up, and was written in my journal again this morning as I reflected on 2012 and wrote in anticipation for 2013. Thank you for the confirmation of that message again.
    My verse for this year is Philippians 3:13,14- that also tells us to reach forward to what lies ahead because the call is an upward one. The word upward has taken on so much meaning to me, to know that in Christ every passage of our lives can be a profitable and satisfying one.
    I don’t know that I have ever sat down at a new year without the old confidence. I know now that things can change, that life is out of my control to a large degree. But I also know to a larger degree than ever before the presence and grace of God. His grace has never let me down and all I have needed He has provided so aptly conveyed in the hymns you have shared with us.
    I am also acutely aware that we wake up every day to a war and I am asking Him to train my hands for it. I have seen Him gain the victory through the weapons of prayer and His Word. I am so much more conscious of the enemy of our souls that would seek to devour us. I have seen Him do impossible things in the latter half of 2012, and it gives me great courage to pray for more impossible things in 2013.
    Thank you for your continued faithfulness to blog and share insights that nourish the soul and set our eyes aright.
    May we all have greater vision for the way He is working in our lives in this next year.
    Blessings and love sent your way,

  8. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” is one of my favorite hymns. So glad that God is bigger than all the challenges that will come our way.
    Happy New Year!

  9. I LOVE the Isaiah scripture; God impressed that upon me so many years ago and it became my daily stride. This year I spent the entire holiday season nursing myself against the flu, unable to be around anyone, but God reminded me, ‘a new year is upon us, new beginnings, new revelations, new vision”, and that gave me hope and thankfulness 2012 was behind me.
    May the new year bring you blessings of abundance in every aspect of your life, Margaret, and all of your family too. (just keeps growing, hum?) HAPPY NEW YEAR !!