A Word from Birgitta

I’m probably not the only one who took for granted the incredibly brilliant and creative design of pregnancy until it happened to me. I’ve experienced many physical changes over the past 8½ months and I have been awed to learn about what has gone on within me. It has completely changed my perspective on God and his involvement in my life.

Faith does not come naturally to me. I am a person who has always been prone to doubting and questioning God. For a long time I floundered between believing that He was vaguely aware of my life from a distance and that He did not exist at all. When I did acknowledge His presence, I related to him as subject to master, often feeling scolded and constantly skeptical of the notion that God is interested in the details of my life. Becoming pregnant has transformed my heart and mind.

I am glad to live in an age where an abundance of information about pregnancy is available. I imagine that women of ancient times were amazed at the process, but as the majority of the changes are internal, it seems that for the most part, the progression of pregnancy would remain a mystery. I am very thankful that I have the privilege of reading many detailed accounts describing the remarkable work my body is doing internally to bring another human into being. The new developments I read about each week never cease to astonish me. As of this week, 2 weeks from my due date, my baby’s miniature and incredibly complex organ systems are complete and her lungs mature.

I believe the processes of conception, pregnancy, and childbirth are not the result of evolution, but are intentional and purposeful designs set into place by an omniscient Creator. The system for bringing forth new life could be different. Babies could be carried within the male body or they could grow from the ground. The familiar design of a new life growing within a woman for approximately nine months is the best design, and I love how it feels to be a part of something so wondrously ordained by God.

Colossians 1:15-17 affirms that God not only created everything in Heaven and on earth, but He continues to hold everything together. That thought is so beautiful to me. Generations upon generations of the human race do not stay alive without the hands of God being continuously involved. This is why I believe that He is intimately involved in what is happening within me. It would be impossible for me to deny His existence or His interest in our finest details now. My pregnancy has given me evidence of the unseen, and for that I will be forever thankful.

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” (Colossians 1:15-17)


12 thoughts on “A Word from Birgitta

  1. Well said. God answers prayer in ways so beyond our imaginings. Your life is evidence of His mercy and grace. May God be praised.

  2. Thanks for being willing to share your thoughts. Thanks for sharing your journey in such a special but public way. I know God is using it for His glory.

  3. What lovely thoughts, Birgitta! I confess that while I was pregnant I never thought about the wonder of pregnancy (more the discomforts of it) but as I see my children grow up (they are now 12 and 8), I am daily astonished by their minds and how unique and special they are.

    Thank you for sharing!

  4. It is precious to me to hear your thoughts and the place the Lord has brought you to. I have 3 adopted children so never experienced pregnancy. But – I have been in awe of God’s handiwork in my children and His calling them into being, protecting their lives from abortion and placing them in our home. Thank you for sharing what God has done and is doing in your life. We have watched you and your siblings grow and change for 29 years, since Bruce worked with Erwin at Moody Church. We have all the Christmas cards saved with the changes and additions to your family. And, the deep loss of your father. Sending love and gratitude to the Lord for His faithfulness in your life. Blessings! (can’t wait to see this beautiful little girl). Beth Jones

  5. Thank you, Bergitta for sharing your story. I am so happy that you have opened your heart to God and it is wonderful to see Him working in your life. May He continue to guide you as you raise this precious little girl. I’m excited that she belongs to the Harbert Community Church family and hopefully I can influence her life in some way.! I love you and your little one.!

  6. Thank you, Birgitta, for submitting your will to the Lord during this time in your life. We rejoice in the precious little girl who will soon make her appearance. And we rejoice in her precious Mommy as well. And – it’s nice to see that you have inherited your Mom’s writing genes. God bless you.

  7. Your words, and your gift of expression, have inspired me, today. I’m a Grandma of 23, and am now fondly remembering the pregnancies and births of my kids, and of my grands! I know your Daddy is very proud of you, also.

  8. Birgitta..
    It is so lovely to me that you have found God in this time, which will mark one of the most important moments in your life. Your journey has been a remarkable one. It is so wild to me how God works. As unexpected as this pregnancy was, you seemed to be 100% from the start. It was meant to be, it seems. And through this experience God will not only bring you your first child, but He has also brought you the girft of faith. Two things that will be of the utmost importance for the rest of your life.
    God Bless Birgitta. You are in my prayers.

  9. Gitta…We are tearing up reading this…it seems like you are in such a beautiful place. We are so grateful to hear how God is touching your heart so deeply. You are a gift to us today.

  10. You brought chills and tears with your words, Gitta. So thankful that God is using your circumstance to draw you to Him. What an amazing God He is! What the enemy meant for evil, He has turned to good!! Take that! 🙂 Praying for you.
    Love you,

  11. Birgitta, that is beautiful! I’m so excited for the journey you’re about to begin as a mother and as a woman of faith. Everything happens for a reason! You always have my full support and I wish you all the best! Congratulations!

    God bless you and your new daughter!

    Love always,
